Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 994
Facial Coding Study of the Effect of Halal Claims on Purchase
Intention of Electronic Products: Linking Maslow's Hierarchy of
Needs Theory
Eddy Yansen, Ahmad Maulana Faqih, Felicia, Giovano Tannaka, Givens Pratiwi
Winslow Taylor Research Institute, Indonesia
Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences, Indonesia
Email: eddy.yansen@gmail.com
Correspondence: eddy.yansen@gmail.com
Electronic Products; Facial
Coding, Halal Claim;
Maslow's Hierarchy Of
Usability testing plays a pivotal role in assessing user
experience on websites, providing businesses with invaluable
insights into customer perspectives. Eye-tracking, a widely
accepted methodology, zeroes in on visual engagement by
analyzing specific Areas of Interest (AOI). This study
embarked on an exploration of the impact of AOI on dwell time
for the latest iteration of the Waters website and further
delineated the sections that captivated the most and least user
attention. Adopting a quantitative stance, a two-way ANOVA
was deployed on a sample comprising 15 master’s students
from two distinct academic institutions. Preliminary findings
underscore significant disparities in dwell times across
different AOIs, implying that specific AOIs retain user
attention more robustly. Notably, the research has its
constraints, encompassing potential deviations in webcam-
based eye-tracking accuracy, the modest sample size, and
post-hoc AOI categorization. As an extension, subsequent
studies could probe the nuanced factors swaying dwell time
within Waters' website AOIs, integrating methodologies such
as the WSD thnique and proactive AOI classification.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Facial coding, as a non-invasive and non-verbal method, measures emotional responses in
marketing (Mehta et al., 2021). It involves the automatic decoding of facial movements, known as
action units (AU), to predict self-report of emotion, advertisement, and brand effects. The technology
allows for moment-by-moment monitoring of emotional reactions, resulting in a rich data stream of
emotion-relevant facial movements. It has shown promise in predicting advertisement effects beyond
self-report, and its great promise for tracking the effectiveness of advertisements in real-time and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 995
optimizing advertisements based on emotional responses is highlighted. However, there are ethical
concerns regarding the use of facial recognition technology, notably in commercial and political
contexts, and collecting or analyzing facial data without consent (Höfling & Alpers, 2023; Shore, 2022).
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, a fundamental psychological framework, provides further
depth to our exploration. As consumers navigate the vast array of electronic products, their decisions
are influenced by functional attributes and intrinsic factors such as ethical considerations. The claim
of "Halal" (permissible under Islamic law) in electronic products represents one such ethical
consideration that aligns with Maslow's hierarchy, wherein consumers seek to satisfy not only their
physiological and safety needs but also their belongingness and esteem needs (Iloka & Anukwe, 2020;
Karimah & Darwanto, 2021; Taormina & Gao, 2013).
This introduction sets the stage for a comprehensive investigation of how Neuromarketing,
facial Coding technology, and "Halal" claims interact within the electronic industry, shaping consumer
purchase intentions. To delve deeper into these multifaceted dynamics, we will explore the
underlying neurobiological processes, consumer perceptions, and their interconnectedness,
ultimatelyshedding light on the intricate fabric of consumer decision-making in the electronic
2. Materials and Methods
This study aims to explore how halal claims affect the purchase intention of electronic products
and their relationship to the different levels in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory. A total of 20
participants were chosen for this study. In order to produce unbiased results, the participants with
the same income level and religion were selected randomly from the population. The participants
were chosen according to the following criteria which are Muslim and low-income.
The tool used for this research is RealEye, which identifies the panelist's face and pupils. The
procedures of the study were explained briefly to the participants. The research was conducted by
sending the link to the study created by the researchers in RealEye. Four stimuli were introduced to
the participants: a picture of a rice cooker and a picture of an iPhone (with and without the Hala Logo)
representing the physiological and psychological needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory. The
exposure time of the participants towards the picture shown was 5 seconds. For the first stimuli in
representing the physiological needs of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, a picture, as shown in
Figure 1.1, would be exposed to the participants for 5 seconds, followed by a picture, as shown in
Figure 1.2 for another 5 seconds. As for the second stimulus, which represented the psychological
needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, a picture, as shown in Figure 1.3, would be exposed to
the participants for 5 seconds, followed by a picture in Figure 1.4 for another 5 seconds. The mean
Attention and the time to first Attention were recorded from the participants' results and compiled
in an Excel file. The Excel file was then used as the database for SPSS to determine whether the
relationship between the factors investigated above was significant. Statistical analysis like ANOVA,
specifically the Kruskal Wallis Test, was used to analyze the data obtained from the Facial Coding test.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 996
Figure 1. A picture of a rice cooker with a
price of Rp. 200 000
Figure 2. A picture of a rice cooker with a
price of Rp. 200 000 and a halal logo
Figure 3. A picture of an iPhone with a
price of Rp. 15 000 000
Figure 4. A picture of an iPhone with a
price of Rp. 15 000 000 and a halal logo
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 997
3. Result and Discussion
Graph 1 Histogram of TTFA for the 4 Different Treatments
Graph 1 shows the Histogram of TTFA (Time to First Attention) for the four treatments:
RC, RCH, IP, and IPH. RC represents the treatment of a Rice Cooker without the halal logo, and
RCH represents the treatment of a Rice Cooker with the Halal Logo. RC and RCH represent
the basic or physiological needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory. IP represents the
treatment of the iPhone without the Halal Logo, whereas IPH represents the treatment of the
iPhone with the Halal Logo. IP and IPH represent the psychological needs in Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs Theory. The histogram shows the frequency of the TTFA variable across
the four different treatments. TTFA of 0.1s has the highest frequency for all the treatments.
According to the regular line distributions, the data for TTFA are not normally distributed for
the four treatments.
Graph 2 Histogram of Attention for the 4 Different Treatments
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 998
Graph 2 shows the Histogram of Attention for the four treatments: RC, RCH, IP, and IPH. RC
represents the treatment of a Rice Cooker without the halal logo, and RCH represents the treatment
of a Rice Cooker with the Halal Logo. RC and RCH represent the basic or physiological needs in
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. IP represents the treatment of the iPhone without the Halal Logo,
whereas IPH represents the treatment of the iPhone with the Halal Logo. IP and IPH represent the
psychological needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory. The histogram shows the frequency of
the variable Attention across the four different treatments. Compared to the histogram showing the
variable TTFA, which has TTFA of 0.1s as the highest frequency for all the treatments, the histogram
of the variable Attention shows that the different treatments have different values of Attention with
the highest frequency. According to the regular line distributions, the data for Attention are more
normally distributed compared to the TTFA histogram for the four treatments, with RC being the most
normally distributed compared to the other treatments.
Table 1 Ranks
Mean Rank
Test Statistics
Asymp. Sig
a. Kruskal Wallis
b. Grouping Variable Treatment
Table 1 for both ranks and test statistics of the Kruskal-Walis test of the variable TTFA (time
to first Attention). The treatment IP representing iPhone without a halal logo has the highest mean
rank, while the treatment RCH representing rice cooker with a halal logo has the lowest mean rank.
Lower values of the mean rank of TTFA suggest that a shorter time is required for the participants to
reach the first Attention. When RC and RCH are compared, RCH has a lower mean rank value than RC,
thus showing that RCH attracts the Attention of the participants faster than RC. When IP and IPH are
compared, IPH has a lower mean rank value than IP, thus showing that IPH attracts the participants'
Attention faster than IP. As seen from the table of test statistics above, the p-value of the test is higher
than 0.05, which means that the variable TTFA has no significant difference between different
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 999
Electronics is one of the leading industrial sectors developed to answer the challenges of future
industrial development (Susdarwono et al., 2020). Indonesia's manufacturing sector contributes 20%
to the GDP, and electronics is one of its sub-sectors. The development of the electronics industry has
allowed consumers to have many choices and variations in types of electronics. Various things,
including halal claims, influence consumer choices. Indonesia, as a country with a majority Muslim
population, is one of the markets for products with halal claims. Halal claims are no longer limited to
food and beverage products but also include electronic products. Halal claims on non-food and
beverage products generally cover aspects related to the raw materials, manufacturing, packaging,
and storage processes.
Following the advancement of technology, the marketing world has witnessed tremendous
adoption of technology that helps marketers make better decisions. Neuromarketing is a new
marketing field that is experiencing increasing technology penetration. Various neuromarketing
techniques include neurometrics, biometrics, implicit response testing, eye tracking, and facial coding
(Gill & Singh, 2022). In this study, researchers used facial coding techniques to determine the influence
of Halal claims on intention to purchase electronic products, which is linked to Maslow's hierarchy of
needs theory.
Facial coding is a cost-effective neuromarketing technique because it can be done using just a
webcam. Facial coding focuses on involuntary reactions formed by micro-expressions that track facial
muscle activity. In the facial coding technique, six core emotions are observed in real time, namely
happiness, sadness, surprise, dislike, fear, and anger (Dragoi, 2021). Van Boxtel (2010), in his
research titled Facial EMG as a tool for inferring affective states. Proceedings of measuring behavior
summarize the produced actions of elementary emotions as follows:
Table 2 Proceedings of measuring behavior summarize the produced actions
of elementary emotions
Elementary Emotion
Produced Actions
Closed eyelids
Mouth corners up
Eyebrow raised; upper eyelid raised
Eyebrow raised
Eyebrow lowered
Raised upper eyelid
Eyebrow lowered
Raised upper eyelid
Closed Eyelid
Raised eyebrows
Lowered eyebrows with depressing lip corners
Raised upper lip
Raised upper lip with wrinkled nasal skin
In this research, the researchers used an online research platform with an eye-tracking
webcam, RealEye. RealEye utilizes the processing capabilities of standard PCs or laptops to execute
artificial intelligence (Deep Neural Network) that assesses images captured by a webcam. The AI
identifies the panelist's face and pupils, predicting the focal point of their gaze. All of these operations
take place seamlessly within a web browser in real time (Lewandowska, 2020).
Time to First Attention (TTFA) and the average duration of participants' Attention were
recorded and analyzed. The Kruskal-Walis test indicates no significant difference between treatments
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1000
regarding Time to First Attention (TTFA) and Attention levels. This shows that Halal claims do not
significantly affect purchase intention and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Hussain (2016) The
literature analysis of studies on the effect of Halal signs and symptoms on customer purchase
intention yields mixed results. While some research, such as those conducted in Pakistan and Turkey,
shows that Halal signage positively affects purchase intention (Varinli et al., 2016), others, such as the
Malaysian study, suggest that the impact is less substantial (Lada et al., 2009). For example, a study
in Pakistan discovered that the Halal logo had no positive impact on customers' purchasing intentions
(Garczarek-BÄ…k et al., 2021; Hussain et al., 2016). However, a study in Turkey underlined the
importance of preference for Halal-certified items in influencing buying intention (Varinli et al.,
2016). These differing conclusions highlight the complexities of consumer behavior and the need for
additional research in this area (Lada et al., 2009). In short, raising Halal awareness will only
sometimes increase sales. This has another conclusion: the Halal awareness effort implemented by
the authorities thus far could have been more effective. The predictability of Halal awareness among
Muslims and non-Muslims is disputed. This means that Halal awareness efforts must be thoroughly
examined and improved. In a nutshell, the level of Halal awareness among Malaysians needs to be
raised (Karimah & Darwanto, 2021). Despite lacking statistical significance, these nuanced findings point
to a complicated interaction between Halal claims and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The
physiological demands represented by the rice cooker garner more Attention in the absence of an
explicit need for a Halal claim, but the psychological needs represented by the iPhone may have a
more nuanced association with Halal claims.
The literature review of studies on the effect of Halal signs and symptoms on consumers'
purchase intention reveals varying results (Hussain et al., 2016). While some studies, such as those
conducted in Pakistan and Turkey, indicate a positive influence of Halal signs on purchase intention
(Varinli et al., 2016), others, like the study in Malaysia, suggest that the impact may not be as
significant (Lada et al., 2009). For instance, the study in Pakistan found that the Halal logo did not
positively influence consumers' purchase intention (Hussain et al., 2016), while the research in
Turkey highlighted the importance of preference for Halal-certified products in influencing purchase
intention (Varinli et al., 2016). These differing conclusions underscore the complexity of consumer
behavior and the need for further research in this area (Lada et al., 2009).
Some limitations may affect this finding. Facial coding has limitations, particularly in the
context of automatic facial expression detection and classification. The accuracy of facial coding can
be affected by factors such as poor lighting conditions, strong light sources behind the participant,
and the quality of the webcam hardware. Additionally, the system's algorithm may exclude sessions
based on calibration quality, which can impact the validity of the data collected. These limitations
highlight the importance of addressing environmental and technical factors to ensure the reliability
and accuracy of facial coding data.
In order to improve the quality of this study, expanding the range of stimuli to include a broader
range of electronic products, integrating multimodal neuroimaging techniques, exploring subtle halal
claim integration, and conducting longitudinal studies to understand consumer responses over time
are recommended. It also suggests cross-cultural analysis, incorporating socioeconomic factors and
tailoring marketing messages to address halal claims. Validation through questionnaires is also
recommended to strengthen the findings. These recommendations aim to guide future research and
contribute to a deeper understanding of the impact of halal claims on consumer behavior in the
electronic products market.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1001
4. Conclusion
Investigating consumer behavior and purchase intention nowadays has become essential in
exploring the effectiveness and strength of various marketing strategies. This research paper explores
how halal claims affect the purchase intention of electronic products and determines its relationship
to the different levels in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory. By using facial coding as the
neuromarketing tool and subjecting the results to statistical analysis, this paper has found that the
relationship between the factors above did not demonstrate statistical significance. Thus, it shows
that the presence of halal claims on electronic products in both physiological and psychological needs
in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory does not significantly impact consumers' purchase intention.
Although our results may challenge conventional assumptions regarding the influence of halal claims
on consumer decision-making in electronic products, they also highlight the complexity of factors
contributing to purchase intentions. The absence of a significant correlation indicates that numerous
elements beyond ethical considerations, such as social and cultural factors like ongoing trends, brand
reputation, trust, etc., play a pivotal role in shaping preferences for electronic products. Future studies
may explore additional variables such as these factors in delving deeper into the influences affecting
consumer behavior in the electronic products market.
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