e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No.4, April 2024 961
1. Introduction
Indonesia is very famous for its abundant natural resources. The amount of natural wealth can
be utilized, one of which is the existence of development activities. Development itself requires
natural resources (Natural Resources) on a large scale, and development must consider
environmental impacts, considering that they can threaten environmental damage (Sholikin, 2018).
Environmental damage due to development can affect human survival. So, development
planning must analyse environmental impacts (AMDAL) on development. AMDAL is needed so that
development activities do not have a negative impact on the environment and society and can provide
positive benefits. So, regulation is needed to protect environmentally sound and sustainable
development. An environmental impact analysis is needed from the beginning before developing
activities (Febriyanti et al., 2021).
Development activities that continue to increase have the risk of pollution that causes damage
to the environment, so the basic structure and function of the ecosystem that supports life can be
damaged. So, pollution and the destruction of the environment will become a social burden, and in
the end, the government and society must bear the cost of recovery. The responsibility carried out by
the government means that it is not handed over to citizens or becomes Civil Law. However, the
responsibility for environmental management lies with the government, which has consequences for
institutions and the authority of the government to conduct administrative law. Development with
the application of sustainable and environmentally sound principles in implementing development
from the beginning can be carried out so that it does not cause adverse impacts, and the development
of positive impacts can be prepared. As an administrative law, it is preventive in preventing pollution
and environmental damage. Article 13, paragraph 1 of Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental
Protection and Management (UUPPLH) states that pollution control and/or environmental damage is
carried out to preserve environmental functions. Paragraph 2 states what are the controls on the
environment as referred to in paragraph 1, including; Prevention, countermeasures, and recovery.
The birth of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (Job Creation Law), which aims
to establish the Law to bring new toboggan in the concept of forming laws and regulations in
Indonesia. However, the latest Job Creation Law did not get a positive response from the public. Public
dissatisfaction with the Job Creation Law brought the law to the Constitutional Court (MK) for judicial
review (Retaduari, 2022). With the results issued on Thursday, November 25, 2021, the
Constitutional Court read the results of Decision Number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 (2020a) related to the
submission of judicial review of the Job Creation Law. In the Amar, the Judgment explained that the
Job Creation Law is contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 (1945
Constitution) and has no conditionally binding legal force as long as it is not interpreted as "no
improvement has been made within 2 (two) years since this decision was pronounced", then the
Constitutional Court also ordered the framers of the law (President and DPR) to make improvements
with a maximum period of 2 (two) years since the Constitutional Court decision was pronounced. If,
within the grace period given, no improvement is made, Law No. 11 of (2020b) concerning Job
Creation will become permanently unconstitutional (BPSDM Hukum dan HAM, 2022).
The issue that continues to be wrestled with in the Job Creation Law is related to the
environment. According to the community and activists who carry out movements concerned about
environmental issues, the Job Creation Law does not create regulations that refer to environmental