Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 887
The Influence of Motivation, Organizational Culture, and
Transformational Leadership Style on Performance at
Bhaktiasih General Hospital
Mohammad Abubakar, Sandra Dewi, MF. Arrozi
Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia
Correspondence: [email protected]
Motivation; organizational
culture; transformational
leadership style; Employee
This study investigates the influence of motivation, organizational
culture, and transformational leadership style on performance at
Bhaktiasih General Hospital. Utilizing quantitative analysis methods,
data was collected from employees through surveys and analyzed
using regression analysis. The results revealed significant positive
effects of motivation, organizational culture, and transformational
leadership style on employee performance with simultaneous test F
count (318.779) > F table (2.16), significance of 0.001 less than 0.10
and coefficient of determination of 0.823 or 82.30%. Specifically,
higher levels of motivation, a strong organizational culture, and
effective implementation of transformational leadership were
associated with improved performance outcomes. These findings
underscore the importance of fostering a motivational work
environment, nurturing a positive organizational culture, and
adopting transformational leadership practices to enhance
performance in healthcare settings. Understanding these factors can
inform management strategies aimed at improving overall
performance and quality of care in hospitals like Bhaktiasih General
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
A hospital is a service organization that offers healthcare services; as per the World Health
Organization (WHO), hospitals are an essential component of a social and health organization, tasked
with providing comprehensive services, curative treatments, and preventive measures for the
community. While the principles and functions of the hospital, according to article 2 of Law No. 44 of
2009, the hospital is structured in accordance with Pancasila principles and is grounded in human
values, ethics, and professionalism. It upholds the principles of benefit, justice, equal rights, and non-
discrimination, ensuring equity, patient protection, and safety, while also fulfilling social
Employee performance is the spearhead of the company in providing the best for patients and
consumers. For this reason, as a professional health service provider in providing services, it must
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 888
always improve the performance of its employees. According to Stephen P. Robbins (2016, p. 218),
Employee performance is heavily influenced by two elements: the employee's ability, which includes
factors such as education, expertise, and experience; a higher degree of ability leads to higher
performance. According to Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson (2019, p. 81), the following elements
influence individual workers' performance: ability, motivation, assistance received, the presence of
the work they do, and their relationship with the company.
On the other hand, the development of organizational culture often demands an understanding
of the reality of a mix between two or more organizational cultures. Intercultural mix can occur
because two organizations with different cultures merge, or it can be that organizational
development requires resources with different cultural backgrounds from the culture of the parent
organization. Such problems require handling with an intercultural management approach or
intercultural management or multicultural management. The way to overcome cultural differences
is to expect others to familiarize themselves, understand cultural differences, and become culturally
intelligent, David C. Thomas and Kerr Inkson (2013: 4).
The application of organizational culture is inseparable from a good leadership role and has
high dedication. Leaders contribute as creators and shape organizational culture because they have
the ability and power to do so. In addition, the leader has a vision and mission, then sets an example
and disseminates it, which is then followed by his subordinates.
The Director of RSU Bhakti Asih carries out his duties related to service operations, trying to
apply a transformational leadership style. The term "transformational leadership" is not new; this
term was coined by James MacGregor Burns (1978) in (Khanin, 2007). Transformational leadership
has the nature of leadership styles that are visionary, inspiring, adaptable, open-minded, and
However, this is certainly not without obstacles, especially since RSU Bhakti Asih has a very
thick family and kinship culture. What appears in organizational management is not a
transformational type of leadership; it seems autocratic or authoritarian, where policies and work
patterns are in the decisions of top leaders. The phenomenon that can be seen is in determining
position positions in the organization; there is no fit and proper, and there is no competency test or
other tests as a basis for determining the filling of positions in the organization. There is no term for
the right man in the right place in employee placement; all are almost based on familial closeness and
Based on the description and problems above, the author wants to know more about the
motivational factors, organizational culture, and transformational leadership style that affect the
performance of Bhakti Asih General Hospital employees. By identifying and researching these factors,
it is expected to obtain an overview of matters related to employee performance. Based on the above,
the author will study it in the form of writing a thesis entitled: "The Influence of Motivation,
Organizational Culture and Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Performance at Bhakti
Asih General Hospital Tangerang City".
2. Materials and Methods
The method used in this study is an associative quantitative method, according to Sugiyono, p.
(2013, p. 35), quantitative methods refer to a set of research techniques used to collect, analyze, and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 889
interpret numerical data in order to understand and explain phenomena. These methods involve the
use of structured instruments such as surveys, questionnaires, and experiments to gather data from
a sample population. The data collected are typically numerical in nature and are analyzed using
statistical techniques to identify patterns, relationships, and trends. Quantitative methods are
characterized by their objective and systematic approach, allowing researchers to measure variables,
test hypotheses, and draw generalizable conclusions.
The problem formulation used in this study is an associative problem formulation with casual
relationships. The formulation of associative problems, according to Sugiyono, p. (2013, p. 92), is a
formulation of research problems that are asking the relationship between two or more variables,
and causal relationships. So here, there are independent (influencing variables) and dependent
(influenced) variables. The study was conducted at Bhakti Asih General Hospital, Jl. Raden Saleh
No.10, RT.001/RW.004, Karang Tengah, Karang Tengah District, Tangerang City, Banten 15157. The
study population was employees at Bhakti Asih General Hospital, Depok which amounted to 482
people, so the sampling in this study used random sampling. While the sampling technique uses a
formula from Taro Yamane or Slovin in Riduwan (2016, p. 65),
After testing normality, a correlation test was carried out to determine whether there was a
relationship between the independent variable to the dependent variable as shown below: The
criteria for respondents for this study are individuals who are domiciled in Jakarta, are prospective
buyers of used cars, and have a maximum age range of 40 years. The choice of Jakarta as the location
of the study was based on consideration of the population density and demographic diversity of this
metropolitan city, reflecting the variety of preferences and challenges that potential consumers may
face in the used car buying process. In addition, a maximum age limit of 40 years was imposed to focus
research on younger market segments, which tend to have different preferences and needs in
choosing motor vehicles. By combining these criteria, it is hoped that the selected respondents can
provide valuable insights in understanding the factors that influence used car buying decisions in the
midst of a dynamic urban environment such as Jakarta.
Figure 1 Research Model Diagram
Leadership Style
Y =
Employee Performance
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 890
Statistical Hypotheses
Sugiyono, p. (2013, p. 134) suggests that the understanding research hypotheses provides a
temporary solution to the formulation of research difficulties, which has been articulated in question
sentences. Based on the underlying theory and framework mentioned above, the hypotheses offered
in this study are as follows:
H1 : H
= It is suspected that motivation does not have a positive effect on employee
performance at General Hospital Bhakti Asih.
Ha = It is suspected that motivation has a positive effect on employee
performance at General Hospital Bhakti Asih.
H2 : H
= It is suspected that Organizational Culture does not have a positive effect
on Employee Performance at General Hospital Bhakti Asih.
Ha = It is suspected that Organizational Culture has a positive influence on
Employee Performance at General Hospital Bhakti Asih.
H3 : H
= It is suspected that the Transformational Leadership Style does not have a
positive effect on Employee Performance at General Hospital Bhakti Asih.
Ha = It is suspected that the Transformational Leadership Style has a positive
effect on Employee Performance at General Hospital Bhakti Asih.
H4 : H
= It is suspected that Motivation, Organizational Culture and
Transformational Leadership Style together do not have a positive effect on
Employee Performance at General Hospital Bhakti Asih.
Ha = It is suspected that Motivation, Organizational Culture and
Transformational Leadership Style together have a positive effect on
Employee Performance at General Hospital Bhakti Asih.
3. Result and Discussion
Classical Assumption Test
a. Residual Normality Test Results,
The Normal Probability Plots graph shows whether the residual values in the regression model
have a normal distribution or not:
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 891
Figure 2 Residual Normality Test Results with Normal Probability Plots Method
The decision-making premise for detecting normality is that if the data spreads around a
diagonal line and moves diagonally, the residual is normally distributed. In contrast, if the data
deviates from the diagonal line or does not follow the diagonal direction, the residual is not normally
distributed. The result above shows that the data spreads around the diagonal line and follows its
direction, indicating that the residual data is normally distributed.
b. Multicollinearity Test
Table 1 Coefficients
Test Results
From Table 1, the coefficients show that the tolerance value of motivation, organizational
culture, and transformational leadership style is greater than 0.1 and the VIF is less than 10, implying
that there is no multicollinearity in the regression model.
c. Heteroscedasticity Test
In this case, researchers detect the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity with Spearman's
rho test method, as the following results:
Table 2 Nonparametric Correlations Test Results
nal Culture
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: KINERJA
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 892
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
Leadership Style
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
According to the table above, the significant values of X1, X2, and X3 are greater than 0.05,
implying that the regression model is not heteroscedastic.
Hypothesis test
a. T Test
Table 3 Correlations Test Results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Leadership Style
It can be seen that t count (4.887) > t table (1.668), meaning that motivation partially affects
employee performance. It is clear that t count (10.807) > t table (1.668), which means motivation has
an effect on employee performance. Furthermore, since t count (3.775) is greater than t table (1.668),
it can be concluded that transformational leadership style partially affects employee performance.
b. F Test
Table 4
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a) Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
b) Predictors: (Constant), Motivation, Organizational Culture,
Transformational Leadership Style
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 893
It can be seen that F count (318.779) > F table (2.16) with a significance of 0.001 <0.10, the
conclusion is that organisational culture, leadership style, and motivation together have a significant
effect on employee performance.
c. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Table 5 Multiple Linear Regression Test Results
Tests carried out on multiple linear regression analysis are the f-test and t-test, with the following
= b
+ b
+ b
+ b
= 6,974 + 0,296X
+ 0,287X
+ 0,535X
- Constant b0 = 6.974
This means that if the motivation, organizational culture and transformational leadership style
value is 0, then Employee Performance is 6,974.
- Coefficient b1 = 0.296
This means that if motivation is increased, then employee performance will increase.
- Cophicin b2 = 0.287
This means that if the organizational culture is improved, then employee performance will
- Cophicin b
= 0.535
This means that if the transformational leadership style is improved, then employee performance
will increase
Correlation Analysis
The following are the results of the correlation analysis using SPSS-22, as below :
Table 6 Correlation Analysis Test Results
nal Culture
al Leadership
Sig. (2-tailed)
Std. Error
H2: Accepted
Leadership Style
H3: Accepted
H4: Accepted
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 894
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
Leadership Style
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
From the results of SPSS data processing above, it can be concluded as follows:
1) Motivation (X1)
From the output, it is known that the correlation between motivation variables and employee
performance obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.783. A positive sign indicates that the
relationship that occurs is positive, meaning that the higher the motivation, the higher the
employee performance. The value of 0.783 indicates the magnitude of the correlation coefficient,
and it can be concluded that the relationship is strong because it is in the range of 0.60 - 0.799.
The significance is 0.000, meaning that there is a significant relationship between employee
motivation and performance. This is because the value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.10. While N = 83
indicates the number of respondents as many as 83.
It can be known that the significance of 0.000 < 0.10, then the null hypothesis is rejected (H0 is
rejected); the conclusion is that there is a strong and significant relationship between motivation
and employee performance.
2) Organizational Culture (X2)
From the output, it is known that the correlation between organizational culture variables and
employee performance obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.793. A positive sign indicates
that the relationship that occurs is positive, meaning that the higher the organizational culture, the
more it can improve employee performance. The value of 0.793 indicates the magnitude of the
correlation coefficient, and it can be concluded that the relationship is strong because it is in the
range of 0.60 - 0.799. The significance is 0.000, meaning that there is a significant relationship
between organizational culture and employee performance. This is because the value of 0.000 is
smaller than 0.10. While N = 83 indicates the number of respondents as many as 83.
It can be known that the significance of 0.000 < 0.10, then the null hypothesis is rejected (H0 is
rejected); the conclusion states that there is a substantial and significant association between
corporate culture and employee performance.
3) Transformational Leadership Style (X3)
From these results, it is known that the correlation between leadership style and employee
performance has a correlation coefficient of 0.880. The positive sign indicates a positive
relationship, which implies that the higher the transformational leadership style, the better the
employee performance. The correlation coefficient value of 0.880 indicates a very strong level of
relationship, because it is in the range of 0.80 to 1.000. Significance of 0.000 indicates a significant
relationship between leadership style and employee performance. With N = 83, which shows the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 895
number of respondents as many as 83 people. This finding indicates a very strong and significant
relationship between transformational leadership style and employee performance.
Coefficient of Determination Analysis
Table 7 Test Results of Coefficient of Determination Analysis
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Motivation, Organizational Culture,
Transformational Leadership Style
The Model Summary table's output shows that the R2 (Adjusted R Square) value is 0.823. As
a result, the independent variable contributes 82.3% of the influence, with the remaining 17.7%
influenced by unstudied factors.
The Effect of Motivation, Organizational Culture, and Transformational Leadership Style on
The results of the analysis concluded that motivation, organizational culture, and
transformational leadership style simultaneously have a direct positive and significant effect on
employee performance, evidenced by the F count (318.779) > F table (2.16) with a significant test
showing a probability value ratio of 0.000 <0.10. The value of the coefficient of determination can be
known as the value is 0.823. So, the independent variable contributes 82.3% of the influence, with the
remaining 17.7% influenced by unstudied factors.
In line with Fadhila (2019) and Fahmi et al. (2021); Fitrianis & Apriliani (2019); Pramesti et al.
(2021); Wijayanto et al. (2021); Saharuddin et al. (2022) that motivation has a positive and significant
effect on performance. Suwandi & Koerniawan (2022); Mubarak & Darmanto (2015); Melisa & Subarto (2021);
Ariyadi et al. (2020); Sugiono & Rachmawati (2019) shows that organizational culture has a positive and
significant influence on employee performance Hairudinor et al. (2020); Roy K. at all. (2022); Gita &
Yuniawan (2016); (Pramesti et al., 2021) stated that transformational leadership style has a positive
and significant effect on performance.
Motivation, organizational culture, and transformational leadership style are three interrelated
components that have a great influence on organizational performance. First, high motivation plays a
key role in encouraging employees to achieve individual and organizational goals. When employees
feel motivated, they tend to be more dedicated, productive, and orientated towards achieving optimal
results. However, sustained motivation is also strongly influenced by organizational culture.
Organizational cultures that promote reward for achievement, collaboration, and career development
support tend to nurture high levels of motivation among employees. On the other hand,
transformational leadership plays an important role in shaping a positive and dynamic organizational
culture. A leadership style that motivates, inspires and fosters strong relationships with employees
can create a work environment that reinforces organizational values and builds a strong commitment
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 896
to a shared vision. Thus, when motivation, organizational culture, and transformational leadership
work together, they create a powerful synergy that not only improves individual performance, but
also strengthens overall organizational performance through increased productivity, innovation, and
employee satisfaction.
This phenomenon is evidence of the suitability of the theory that states that employee
performance is a function of the interaction between ability (A), motivation (M), and opportunity (O);
i.e. performance = f (A x M x O) (Robbins, 2003). This means that to improve employee performance,
management needs to pay attention to motivation, ability, and opportunity. Motivational drives such
as meeting needs and establishing a supportive organizational culture can improve performance. In
addition, an inspirational leadership style and caring for individuals are also important. By achieving
effectiveness in motivation, organizational culture, and leadership, employee performance can
continue to improve.
The Effect of Motivation on Performance
The analysis results conclude that motivation has a direct, positive, and significant impact on
employee performance. This is evidenced by the t-test value (4.887) being greater than the t-table
value (1.668), with a significance test indicating a probability comparison of 0.000 < 0.10. The
correlation coefficient of 0.783 indicates a positive relationship, implying that higher motivation
corresponds to higher performance. The value of 0.783 indicates the magnitude of the correlation
coefficient, and it can be concluded that the relationship is strong as it falls within the range of 0.60
to 0.799. Therefore, it can be inferred that motivation plays a crucial role in enhancing employee
performance, and boosting motivation can significantly improve overall performance. These results
are in line with Fadhila (2019); Fahmi et al. (2021); Feri et al. (2020); Pramesti et al. (2021); Wijayanto
et al. (2021); Saharuddin et al. (2022), they claims that job motivation has a favorable and
considerable impact on performance.
Motivation is critical to increasing employee performance in the workplace. Employees that are
driven both intrinsically (through personal satisfaction and completion of individual goals) and
extrinsically (via management incentives and recognition) are more focused and passionate about
carrying out their jobs and responsibilities. High motivation can also boost employee creativity,
productivity, and commitment to the organization. Overall, a thorough understanding of the elements
that drive employee motivation will assist management in creating a supportive work environment
and maintaining optimal levels of motivation, which will positively impact employee performance
and overall organisational success.
The results of this analysis contradict the initial phenomenon, where the motivation of
employees is at a low level because they feel only as a production machine that must continuously
increase their productivity, so most of them feel uncomfortable. However, in fact, the results of the
analysis show that employee work motivation is at a motivated level so with a motivated state, it is
able to improve its performance at GENERAL HOSPITAL Bhakti Asih.
This occurrence exemplifies the theory asserting that motivation embodies an individual's
drive capable of influencing the degree of dedication and enthusiasm towards an activity. Such
motivation stems from both intrinsic and extrinsic sources, and the level of motivational vigor
possessed by an individual will dictate the quality of their performance, whether in the realms of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 897
studying, working, or other aspects of life (Maslow, 1969). This means that through a combination of
implementing a positive organizational culture and effective transformational leadership, employees
feel heard, valued and actively involved in the organization's decision-making process, which in turn
increases their engagement in achieving organizational goals more effectively and sustainably.
The Influence of Organizational Culture on Performance
The analysis results suggest that organizational culture has a direct, positive, and significant
impact on employee performance. This is supported by the t-test result (10.807) being greater than
the t-table value (1.668), with a significance test indicating a probability value of 0.000 < 0.10. The
correlation coefficient of 0.793 signifies a positive relationship, implying that higher levels of
organizational culture correspond to higher employee performance. With a value of 0.793, the
correlation coefficient indicates a strong relationship, falling within the range of 0.60 to 0.799.
Therefore, it can be concluded that organizational culture plays a significant role in enhancing
employee performance, and a stronger organizational culture is associated with better performance
outcomes. These findings are consistent with earlier research from Suwandi & Koerniawan (2022);
Mubarak & Darmanto (2015); Melisa & Subarto (2021); Ariyadi et al. (2020); Edi S. at all. (2019) that
organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on performance.
Organizational culture is a framework of values, norms and beliefs that are shared and
practiced by all members of an organization. A strong and positive organizational culture can have a
significant impact on employee performance. When organizational culture is supported by open
communication, team collaboration, mutual trust, and an orientation towards innovation and
learning, employees tend to feel more motivated and engaged in their work. In addition, an
organizational culture that promotes reward for achievement, support for career development, and
loyalty to organizational values can encourage employees to make greater and more sustained
contributions to organizational goals. Therefore, building and maintaining a positive and inclusive
organizational culture is key to improving employee performance and achieving competitive
advantage in a competitive business environment.
In the past, the deep-rooted family culture in organisations often led to close kinship
relationships among employees in the work unit. While these relationships can strengthen team
solidarity, the tendency to prioritise kinship often results in a lack of attention to the competencies of
prospective employees during the recruitment process, which in turn can compromise their
performance in delivering services to the best of their abilities. However, the analysis shows that
effective implementation of organisational culture can overcome this challenge. By reinforcing values
that focus on assessments based on qualifications and performance, organisations can shift the focus
from mere kinship relationships to more critical aspects of achieving organisational goals. Thus, the
implementation of an effective organisational culture not only helps to improve employee
performance, but also promotes fairness and organisational sustainability in the long run.
This phenomenon proves the truth of the theory that states that organizational culture is the
shared values and beliefs that underlie corporate identity (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2014). These values not
only reflect the way the organisation operates and interacts with its members, but also determine
how it adapts and reacts to external changes. By being the guardian of core values such as integrity,
collaboration, innovation and sustainability, organisational culture establishes a strong and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 898
consistent identity for the company. It creates a solid foundation to guide employee behaviour, set
performance standards, and shape relationships with stakeholders. By maintaining and
strengthening an organisational culture that aligns with core values, a company can reinforce its
identity, increase employee trust and loyalty, and create a dynamic and inclusive work environment.
The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Performance
The analysis results suggest that the transformational leadership style has a direct, positive,
and significant impact on employee performance. This is supported by the t-test result (3.775) being
greater than the t-table value (1.668), with a significance test indicating a probability value of 0.000
< 0.10. The correlation coefficient of 0.880 signifies a strong positive relationship, indicating that
higher levels of the transformational leadership style are associated with higher employee
performance. With a value of 0.880, the correlation coefficient indicates a very strong relationship,
falling within the range of 0.80 to 1.000. Therefore, it can be concluded that the transformational
leadership style plays a crucial role in enhancing employee performance, and a stronger
implementation of this leadership style is strongly correlated with improved performance outcomes.
These findings are consistent with earlier research from Gita & Yuniawan (2016); (Hairudinor et al.,
2020); Roy K. at all. (2022); Pramesti et al. (2021) stated that transformational leadership style has a
positive and significant effect on performance.
Transformational leadership is a leadership style that emphasizes the strong influence of the
leader on the vision, values, and motivation of employees. Transformational leaders not only focus on
achieving organizational goals, but also pay attention to employees' personal growth and
development. By inspiring, building strong relationships, and strengthening employee confidence,
transformational leaders are able to mobilize employees to achieve extraordinary results. Through
this approach, employees feel more engaged, motivated, and committed to the organization's goals,
which in turn improves overall individual and team performance. In addition, transformational
leaders also encourage innovation, creativity, and adaptation to change, which are key factors in
maintaining organizational competitiveness and success in a changing era. Thus, transformational
leadership not only positively impacts employee performance, but also shapes a dynamic and
inclusive work culture, which is essential in achieving long-term success for the organization.
However, the outcomes of this investigation contradict some of the respondents' initial views.
Some employees voiced dissatisfaction with the leadership style used because it appeared autocratic,
less motivating, and lacked two-way communication among leaders and employees. This makes them
uncomfortable while carrying out their tasks. Nonetheless, the analytical results demonstrate that the
transformational leadership style is successful and can boost employee performance. This illustrates
a mismatch between initial perceptions of the leadership style and the reality of implementation,
where, despite the mismatch, the leadership style managed to have a large beneficial impact on staff
This phenomenon is the basis for the discovery of the truth of the theory, which states that
Transformational Leadership is a leadership framework aimed at enhancing human resources and
evaluating the leader's impact on subordinates, quantified through measures like trust, admiration,
loyalty, and respect for the leader. It endeavors to inspire followers to go beyond their usual efforts
for achieving performance goals (Bass & Avolio, 1994). This means that when leaders are able to
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 899
effectively implement inspirational motivation, ideal influence, intellectual stimulation and individual
attention, it will shape employee involvement in achieving organizational goals by improving quality,
quantity, timeliness, effectiveness, independence and commitment to work.
From the comprehensive series of analyses conducted, it becomes evident that work
motivation, organizational culture, and transformational leadership style collectively exert a positive
and significant influence on employee performance. Therefore, enhancing these factors holds the
potential to catalyze improved performance among employees. By fostering a work environment that
nurtures motivation, cultivates a positive organizational culture, and embraces transformational
leadership practices, organizations can effectively stimulate higher levels of engagement,
commitment, and productivity among their workforce. As such, investing in strategies to enhance
work motivation, shape a supportive organizational culture, and promote effective leadership can
yield tangible benefits in terms of enhancing overall employee performance and organizational
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that motivation, organisational culture,
and transformational leadership style influence performance at Bhaktiasih General Hospital. The
findings show that these factors have a significant relationship with both individual and overall
hospital performance. High motivation, supportive organisational culture, and transformative
leadership style have a positive impact on achieving performance goals. The implication of this study
is the need for greater attention to these aspects in the management and development of human
resources in hospitals, in the hope of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of health services.
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