Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 811
The Application of Finger Painting Games to Children's Fine
Motor Development in Kb Nurul Barokah, Wangkal Village,
Gading District, Probolinggo District
Fatimatus Zahro,
Endah Tri Wisudaningsih, Debby Adelita Febrianti Purnamasari
Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong, Probolinggo, Indonesia
Correspondence: [email protected]
Early Childhood; Fine
Motoric; Finger Painting
One of the basic skills that children need to develop is motor skills,
which consist of two parts: gross motor skills and fine motor skills.
The problem raised in this research is how to apply the
fingerpainting game to develop fine motor skills in children, and the
research aims to find out whether the fingerpainting game can
develop children's fine motor skills at KB Nurul Barokah, Wangkal
Village. The analytical method used in this work is a qualitative
descriptive research approach, with data collection techniques
through observation, interviews and documentation. The data
analysis techniques used are data collection, data condensation, data
presentation and conclusions. They are checking the validity of the
data through data credibility tests, transferability tests,
dependability tests, and confirmability tests. The results of this
research show the development of all aspects of children, excellent
physical aspects of fine motor skills through finger painting
activities; children can also carry out other tasks such as buttoning
their clothes, wearing their shoelaces, peeling their peanut shells
and being able to hold a pencil correctly. Correct. This article proves
that the fingerpainting game method can improve children's fine
motor skills at KB Nurul Barokah Wangkal Gading.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
According to the law on the protection of children (Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number
32 2002) Chapter 1 Article 1, it is stated that a child is someone who is not yet 18 years old and
includes children who are still in the womb. Yuliani Sujiono (2014) and (Hasanah & Priyantoro, 2019)
state that early childhood is a child who is just born up to the age of 0-6 years. According to The
National Association for The Education of Young Children (NAEYC), this age is very decisive for the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 812
formation of the child's character, personality, and intellectual abilities. Early childhood is a child who
is in the age range of 0-8 years. The nature of early childhood is a unique individual where it has a
pattern of growth and development in physical, cognitive, social, emotional, creativity, language, and
community aspects that are specific to the stages that the child is passing (Kiromi, 2020). Based on
this definition, it can be concluded that children in the womb until the age of 6 or 8 years are still said
to be in early childhood, where they are in the process of growth and development such as physical,
personality, and intellectual development, which can be obtained in educational institutions.
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is one of the forms of education implementation that focuses
on laying the foundation towards growth in accordance with the uniqueness and stages of
development in accordance with the age groups passed by early childhood as stated in Permendikbud
Number 37 of 2014 Article 1 paragraph (2), Standards for the Level of Achievement of Early
Childhood Development which is a criterion of the abilities achieved by children in all aspects of
development and growth, which includes aspects of religious values, and morals, physical, motor,
cognitive, language, social-emotional, and art. Therefore, we can conclude that education is essential
for early childhood growth and development.
Early childhood education includes all efforts and actions taken by educators and parents in the
process of care, nurturing, and providing education to children by creating an aura and environment
where children can explore experiences that provide opportunities for them to know and understand
the learning experiences they get from the environment, through observing, imitating, and
experimenting that takes place repeatedly and involves all the potential and intelligence of the child.
To achieve a developed country, as well as a high level of welfare, there needs to be assistance and
improvement from various sectors, one of which is in the world of Education. Assistance in the world
of education must start from an early age because, at that age, the generation and sustainability and
future of the nation begin to be built. Early childhood, which is the period in which the child is from
birth to the age of six, is a strategic period. The strategic period in question is a time when early
childhood is able to develop optimally in physiological, cognitive, language, social, emotional and
spiritual abilities (Travelancya et al., 2023). Therefore, we can conclude that education is essential for
early childhood growth and development.
According to Carol S & Barbara A., in early childhood education books, games are a way for
children to develop the ability to use symbols and understand their environment. When children play
with objects and items in their environment, they gain knowledge about the natural wealth of the
world in which they live. By experimenting with various items and tools, they learn and know that
there are heavy items, some are rough or smooth, sharp or round, and some are hard and liquid; these
are concepts that cannot be taught through direct lessons but can be learned through first hand only,
direct experience and games. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that (1) play is a
means of training the skills needed by children to become competent individuals, (2) play is a
multidimensional experience that involves all senses and arouses a person's multiple intelligences,
(3) play is a vehicle for learning about how to learn.
According to Moeslichatoen in the journal Astria et al. (2015) states that "the method of playing
is an activity that can help develop children's creativity and physical motor, namely doing activities
that contain flexibility such as: drawing, arranging, and painting with fingers (Finger Painting)". So,
play is a necessity for all children, especially children who are in the age range of 3-6 years. Play is an
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 813
activity that children do with or without using tools that produce understanding and provide
information, provide pleasure and develop children's imagination spontaneously and carefree. In play
activities, almost all aspects of child development can be stimulated and developed correctly,
including the development of creativity and motor. Basically, many games can develop various
developments in children, such as running, climbing, and jumping children have developed in terms
of gross motor and also actually many games for children, especially in fine motor children can do
various kinds of activities, especially in school to develop children's fine motor skills such as
squeezing, tearing, writing, scissors, assembling blocks and puzzles, actually there are a lot of games
that can Develop the child's fine motor skills.
This is in line with Farida's opinion (2021) that it is important for the development of fine motor
skills because, for children, it is easier to accept all learning and play activities that can develop motor,
because in early childhood, their bodies are more flexible than adults, school activities are more
learning and play activities tend to be carried out so that their body muscles are more trained and
children's obligations are less than adults So that more time to play while learning that involves motor
Regarding the importance of children's physical motor development, it is contained in the
Qur'an Surat Ar Rum verse 54 as follows:
Allaah subhan wa ta'ala bar-e-barman:
"It was Allah who created you from a weak state, then He made (you) after the weak state
becomes strong, then He made (you) after the strong weak (again) and grey. He created what He
wanted. Moreover, He is all-knowing, all-powerful."
The meaning in the Qur'anic verse is that Allah created the child from the womb, where the
child begins to grow and develop in a weak state and, when born, will experience physical growth and
development to be strong. However, God restored the weak period after that substantial period,
which was old age. Therefore, the physical motor development of children has been arranged in such
a way by Allah Almighty, from the child born from the womb to old age (Tania et al., 2022). Children
will develop according to their time, and adults will be able to take advantage of the time to make
children strong by honing and developing their physical and motor skills to carry out other activities
to support education and life in the future.
Motor development is divided into two, namely gross motor and fine motor. Gross motor skills
require the coordination of certain groups of muscles that can make them jump, climb, run, and ride
bicycles. While fine motor requires hand and eye coordination, such as writing, drawing, colouring,
and scissoring. Fine motor is a delicate movement involving only certain parts done by small muscles
because it does not require Canada. However, these subtle movements require careful coordination.
The characteristics of children's fine motor development are emphasised more on more specific body
movements such as writing, drawing, colouring, scissoring and folding (Travelancya et al., 2022). Fine
motor skills play a vital role in the artistic development of fine motor skills are movements that affect
only certain parts of the body and are carried out by small muscles, therefore motor physical
movements should not require too much exertion but require meticulous coordination and must be
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 814
very thorough, motor physical skills should begin to develop while performing elementary activities
such as walking, holding, and move pen, spoon or fork (Izzatulummah et al., 2022). It can be concluded
that children's fine motor skills are more concern because if a child is late in acceptable morals, they
will be left behind in everything and one way to improve fine motor in children is to teach children
often to use their small muscles such as squeezing, tearing, cutting and others.
According to Hurlock in the journal Setiani (2013), fine motor skills are improving the
coordination of body movements involving muscles and nerves that are much smaller or more
detailed. Both are able to develop fine motor movements such as squeezing paper, tearing, drawing,
writing, and so on. Children's fine motor development activities aim to train children's motor
coordination skills. Coordination between hands and eyes can be developed, among others, through
drawing, colouring, cutting, painting, pasting, cocking, etc.
According to Bredekamp and Copple's article (2020), early childhood fine motor development
indicators used in this study are appropriate indicators to improve children's fine motor, including:
1. The child can build a three-dimensional beam frame,
2. The child can button the shirt without assistance
3. The child can use scissors without assistance
4. The child can tie the shoelaces without help
5. the child can peel me IT nuts without help
6. The child can have a basic understanding of right and left, keep mixing it up at some point,
7. The child can hold the pencil correctly
8. The child can draw a recognisable human figure consisting of the head, arms, legs, and torso.
Finger Painting is a form of painting that uses fingers to develop fine motor skills, imagination
development, and artistic talent, especially in children's art activities (Zahro & Purnamasari, 2021). Finger
painting is creating images using fingers and palms by combining several colours. This is done to
stimulate the creativity and innovation of ECCE teachers so that when teaching children, they can
better increase children's potential and development (Sundari & Zahro, 2021). Finger painting is a means
for children to express and channel their imagination by scratching colours with their hands and
fingers, creating unique and emotional works or images (Siskawati & Syarah, 2020). In the process, all
parts of the child's body can be involved, and support can be provided when interacting with the
paper or painting media used.
Scratching colours directly using your fingers is what is called finger painting. This activity is
delightful for children and helps them freely express their imagination and feelings (Haryono & Harlina,
2020). Finger painting can also train children's creativity and improve their imagination and fine
motor skills. The uniqueness of finger painting is very helpful in developing children's talents or
interests in the field of painting. Finger painting can help improve fine motor skills in early childhood.
This activity requires reasonable control of the hand muscles to create lines and colours, thus helping
strengthen and develop the child's fine motor skills. With finger painting activities, children can
practice hand mastery and strengthen the coordination of their senses of sight and sense of touch so
that they can help fine motor development and improve writing skills. Therefore, finger painting
activities can be joyful and beneficial for children to improve their fine motor skills (Hasanah &
Moryanti, 2019).
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 815
According to Salahuddin in Febri Nur'aini's article (2015), finger painting is a drawing
technique that involves scratching starch on paper or cardboard with fingers or palms. According to
Yeni Rahmawati and Euis Kurniati in Febri Nur'aini's article (2015), finger painting can improve the
ability to think and do creatively and develop the ability to express aesthetic values by drawing
creative works and exercising finger muscles.
Based on the opinions of some of these experts, it can be concluded that finger painting
activities are painting activities by scratching colours using fingers or palms freely on the media used
so as to produce colourful, unique, and original paintings.
Colour play activities with finger painting can have a positive influence on children's fine motor
skills. According to Ma'had Al-Hanif in the journal, Umahayatul & Musi (2022) states that the benefits
of finger painting are::
1. Train fine motor skills in children that involve small muscles and nerve maturity because, at
the tip of the child's fingertips, there are sensors related to the brain. With finger painting, the
child's fingertips will move a lot and rub against the paint and painting media.
2. As a medium of emotional expression, children will pour the expression of their soul with
colours that match their emotional state,
3. Introducing children to the concept of primary colours further gives children the opportunity
to experiment with mixing colours so as to produce secondary colours.
4. Develop and introduce children's aesthetics about the beauty of colour and shape.
5. Developing children's imagination and creativity.
6. Reducing hyperactivity in children with autism and hyperactivity.
7. Develop hand-eye coordination.
8. Helps children to relax more in between busy activities.
There are several reasons for choosing finger painting activities as the most effective and
efficient material in teaching, significantly to develop children's fine motor skills are as follows:
1. Finger painting dapat melatih motorik halus pada anak yang melibatkan gerak otot-otot kecil
dan kematangan syaraf. Karena anak menggerakkan jari-jarinya untuk melukis di atas kertas.
2. Get to know the concept of primary colours (red, yellow, blue). From the bright colours, we
can know the emotional state of the child, their excitement and their emotional state.
3. Introducing the concept of mixing primary colours so that they become secondary and
tertiary colours.
4. Controlling the aesthetic beauty of colour.
5. Train children's imagination and creativity.
6. Quality and fun time during the activity.
7. Children learn to recognise colours and can mix them into new colours
8. Train children's sensory abilities, such as touch, sight, smell, and taste.
9. Develop hand-eye coordination.
10. Expressing children's feelings through painting
Therefore, researchers chose finger painting activities as one of the fine motor development
activities and also children's creativity. Because finger painting activities allow children to express
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 816
their imagination directly and train children's hand movements to be good at painting, children are
given the freedom to draw whatever they think through the media provided.
Based on observations made by researchers on Wednesday, January 15, 2024, to find out the
creativity of children in KB Nurul Barokah, Wangkal Village, Gading District, Probolingg, researchers
made observations and participated during the learning process. Researchers found that most
children's fine motor skills have not been developed correctly, as evidenced by fine motor activities
only some children can do without the help of a teacher. Most children still look stiff, confused by
these activities, and unfamiliar, so children find it challenging to bring out their creativity and
2. Materials and Methods
This research was conducted at KB Nurul Barokah, Wangkal Village, Gading District,
Probolinggo Regency, with 15 students and three education staff. The implementation time is January
15, 2024. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach because it
examines an object and fact-finding with the correct interpretation. In line with Kristin's opinion
(2016), qualitative research is essential in explaining oral and written data so researchers can
understand more deeply about phenomena or social setting events related to the focus of the problem
under study. This means that qualitative research aims to find answers to a phenomenon through
scientific procedures carried out systematically. The reason for choosing this finger painting
technique is from the observations that researchers made. By applying this technique, it turns out
that children can coordinate their senses of sight and touch well. So researchers choose to use finger
painting techniques because many journals and theses use finger painting techniques. Children have
been said to be able to coordinate their senses of sight and touch well, as well as their fine motor
Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documents as
evidence that researchers collect data on what they want to research (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Data
analysis techniques use the steps proposed by Miles et al. (2014): data collection, condensation, data
presentation (data display), and conclusive drawing and verification. Sugiyono (2016) stated that
activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out interactively and take place continuously until
the data is saturated. Data validation techniques in this study using data credibility tests or trust tests
on researcher results are carried out by extending observations, increasing the strength of diligence
in research, tricoagulation, discussion with peers, negative case analysis and member checks. In this
study, researchers used diligent observation techniques and triangulation. Then, the transferability
test is an external validity in research; the dependability test is carried out by auditing the entire
research process, and the confirmability test is used.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 817
Figure 1 Data analysis technique steps according to Miles et al. (2014)
3. Result and Discussion
According to the research conducted by researchers at KB Nurul Barokah, Wangkal Village,
located on Jl, the number of students is 15 children and three teachers.
Data obtained from interviews with KB Nurul Barokah teachers in Wangkal Village showed that
the institution learned about finger painting through finger painting training given to PAUD teachers
in the Gading District to enrich the creativity and innovation of teachers. The training was not only
formal but also non-formal training, followed at an institution in Wangkal village, namely KB Cahaya
Hati; training was carried out from 08:30 WIB - to finish. Learning Finger painting initially makes
children very uninterested because they still do not know how to use it, and there are still those who
feel disgusted when touching colours with their own hands there is a fear in children that the paint
used cannot disappear but after the child is explained and practised that the paint is easily lost if
exposed to water so they have begun to want to touch it after the child knows the fun of playing and
learning finger painting children begin Love.
With finger painting according to the results of an interview with one of the teachers, finger
painting is always used during the learning process in the classroom, children really like games and
learning that use finger painting compared to ready-to-eat or modern games because finger painting
learning really gives freedom to children to be creative according to the ideas they have and can create
shapes according to the imagination of each child and It can also reduce the disgust that children have
after the researcher expressed his opinion that when this finger painting activity used artificial
colours using starch that was cooked and then given dyes, it turned out that the researcher's proposal
was well received by the teachers there.
Finger Painting Learning Plan
Teachers have guidance in carrying out learning activities in class by planning them. Learning
planning in ECCE includes daily plans, weekly plans, semester programs, and annual programs. The
results of observations and interactions with informants by researchers revealed that the preparation
of activity plans at KB Nurul Barokah Wangkal Village was based on the applicable curriculum.
Teachers should also consider children's abilities and interests before determining lesson planning.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 818
The selection of learning techniques is also essential to ensure children understand the material well
and gain practical understanding. Thus, a good lesson plan will help teachers ensure that learning
activities run effectively and that children can get maximum learning results.
Learning activities are carried out in accordance with the implementation plan. Weekly
learning (RPPM) and daily implementation plan (RPPH) have been implemented, which include the
opening stage, the core of the learning process, and the closing. The implementation of the technique
of drawing with fingers at KB Nurul Barokah Wangkal is in accordance with the RPPH that has been
applied previously. Then, the activities carried out by researchers and teachers at KB Nururl Barokah
using finger painting techniques are very attractive to children, so they are focused and happy when
doing learning activities with finger painting techniques. The skill of playing small muscles is to use
the fingers and hand movements correctly. Based on the results of interaction with informants by
researchers, the goal is to improve fine motor skills in children in KB Nurul Barokah Wangkal through
drawing activities with finger painting techniques with steps and themes chosen by the teacher. The
teacher prepares everything that will be used, including tools and materials, explains what drawings
will be made by the child, and explains how to work to perform finger painting techniques. The
teacher guides the child and helps them complete the finger painting technique.
The skill of playing small muscles is to use the fingers and hand movements correctly. Based on
the results of interaction with informants by researchers, the goal is to improve fine motor skills in
children in KB Nurul Barokah Wangkal through drawing activities with finger painting techniques
with steps and themes chosen by the teacher. The teacher prepares everything that will be used,
including tools and materials, explains what drawings will be made by the child, and explains how to
work to perform finger painting techniques. The teacher guides the child and helps them complete
the finger painting technique task.
The first step of the teacher is to say the greeting "Assalamualaikum children" After that, it is
continued by asking how it is doing, then reading the roll and asking today's peasant ", How are the
children today?" then the teacher gives an overview of learning activities "Good children today we
will draw from our hands, but before that who wants to help the teacher mother to mix colours
because there are still three colours here there is yellow, red and also blue" rudder, Mrs Teacher
invites her students to mix colours, "Who wants to help you to mix colours?" it turns out that all
children participate in mixing colours.
Figure 2 Finger painting activities Mixing colors
In the second picture, where the children help in the blending of colours made as material in finger
painting activities, the materials used are:
1. Tapioca flour/starch 1 cup.
2. Water
3. Mama lemon one tablespoon
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 819
4. Cooking oil one tablespoon
5. Food coloring
How to make it:
1. Mix tapioca flour with enough water, then base until thickened and clear colour remove,
2. After the dough has cooled, add mama lemon and cooking oil gradually after mixing
everything, then divide the dough into three parts,
3. After dividing, put food colouring in each bowl with red, blue, and yellow colours.
In mixing colours where, if yellow and red become orange, yellow and blue become green, red
and blue become purple and yellow, and red and blue then become brown. Then the teacher gave a
picture using his fingers: "Children, after we finish mixing colours, we continue by drawing with
fingers with the theme of drawing plants that give leaves to trees. Do your children like to draw
leaves?" Mother introduced the theme with a singing activity entitled "Tree Section," and Gurur
divided paper and dye that would be used to draw tree leaves using finger painting techniques. After
the teacher finished distributing the equipment, the teacher explained the steps of drawing. "OK,
children, first dip three fingertips a little, then stick it on paper and then do it until the tree has very
dense leaves, just like the teacher's mother did. Can the children?" After the teacher explains and
models the drawings, the children are told to follow the steps given by the teacher, and the teacher
guides the children one by one while drawing fish using their fingers.
Figure 3 Finger painting activities give leaves to trees
The activity will be held on Monday, January 15, 2024
In Figure 3, where finger painting activities are running on the picture, it can be seen that the
child is drawing using the fingers the child looks very good at drawing using the technique; this shows
that the child can apply finger painting techniques and this technique also helps in the child's fine
motor development after the teacher gives the first task to the students, namely drawing tree leaves
using finger painting techniques, where researchers pay attention or observe how students do the
tasks given by the teacher. The results of the observation show that children already understand the
teacher's directions about the stages of how to draw using finger painting techniques. However, they
still need parental and teacher guidance for their fine motor skills.
After the researchers had gotten the results on the first day, they conducted a second meeting
on the theme of drawing flowers using finger painting techniques. At this second meeting, the teacher
conducts: The first step is to say the greeting "assalamualaikum", after which the teacher asks the
student's attendance and how the child is doing "How are your children today?". Furthermore, the
teacher gives an overview of learning activities to the children: "Now we will use our fingers to draw
rainbows. Are there any mother's children who like to draw rainbows?". Furthermore, the teacher
and children sang a song entitled "Pelangi-Pelangi" by making a standing formation in front of their
respective tables the lyrics of the song are as follows;
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 820
Pelangi, pelangi alangkah indah mu
Merah kining hijau dilangit yang biru
Pelukismu agung siapa gerangan
Pelangi, pelangi ciptaan tuhan
Next, the teacher gave canvas paper and artificial dye that would be used to draw rainbows
with finger painting techniques. After the teacher finishes distributing the equipment, the teacher
explains the steps of drawing, namely:
"Both children dip three fingers with different colours, any finger, namely the pointed finger, middle
finger, and also ring finger, well then make a curved line as the teacher's mother did and become a
Figure 4 Rainbow finger painting activities
The activity will be held on Tuesday, January 23, 2024
After the teacher explains and models the drawings, the children are told to follow the steps
given by the teacher, and the teacher guides the children one by one during the process of drawing
flowers using their fingers. The rainbow theme Finger Painting activity is presented in Figure 4. The
results of the second meeting showed that the child was enthusiastic about doing it, and the results
of this second meeting showed that the child's fine motor skills developed in using the fingers. Finger
muscle movements have been active in drawing using finger painting techniques, as children can do
it themselves without the help of their parents.
Furthermore, researchers conducted a third study to get maximum results. In this third
research, the teacher invites students to draw according to the child's wishes with the mother's child;
after the teacher says greetings, the teacher asks about the child's presence and how the children are
doing, "How are your children today?". Furthermore, the teacher gives a picture of the learning
activities to the children: "Now we will use the fingers to draw according to each other's wishes, so
your children can determine whatever pictures you like, can animals, plants and also limbs?". Next,
the teacher and child sang with the movement with the title song "If You Like the Heart" with the
following song lyrics:
Kalaukau suka hati
Kalaukau suka hati teouk tangan(prok prok) 2*
Kalaukau suka hati mari kita lakukan kalaukau suka hati tepuk tangan (prok prok)
Kalau kau suka hati petik jari (ting ting) 2*
Kalaukau suka hati mari kita lakukan kalaukau suka hati petik jari (ting ting)
Kalau kau suka haati injak bumi (bom bom) 2*
Kalaukau suka hati mari kita lakukan kalaukau suka hati injak bumi (bom bom)
Kalau kau suka hati semuanya (prok prok, ting ting, bom bom) 2*
Kalaukau suka hati mari kita lakukan kalaukau suka hati semuanya
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 821
Figure 5 Finger painting activities, indulging according to children's preferences
The activity will be held on Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Next, the teacher will divide canvas paper and dye paint, which will be used to draw children's
favourite colours using finger painting techniques. After the teacher finishes distributing the
equipment, the teacher explains the steps of drawing;
"Hey kids, first dip your finger in the colour you like and then apply it on the paper you gave
you. Now that the drawing is free, children can make anything with the various colours that you have
After the teacher explains and models the drawings, the children are told to follow the steps
given by the teacher, and the teacher guides the children one by one during the process of drawing
their favourites using their fingers. Finger Painting activities are my favourite.
After the teacher had a third meeting with the theme of drawing preferences, researchers saw
that in this third meeting, the child's fine motor skills had developed well, it was said to develop
because children could create themselves according to their respective imaginations at the time of
drawing and the children's fingers were well developed. The research can produce results that fine
motor development in children goes well because children are able to (already proficient) use their
fingers when drawing using finger painting techniques, children can follow the steps explained by the
teacher and are able to coordinate eye and hand movements when drawing from the beginning of the
activity to the end and at this meeting, children can already do it themselves without the help of
people old or teacher. Next, the child presents his work (figure 6).
Of the fifteen children in the class, twelve children have been able to participate in drawing
activities using finger painting techniques well and according to the direction of the teacher. In
contrast, one other child may have problems due to internal factors (children with special needs). In
this activity, children scratch several colours using their fingers and hands to produce a unique image
(Sundari, 2022). Thus, teachers must also have expertise in carrying out finger-painting activities.
Finger painting training is given to ECCE teachers to enrich their creativity and innovation and help
develop students. This training is not only for highly educated ECCE teachers but also for ECCE
teachers who do not have a formal educational background to increase their creativity. Before the
training began, the teachers shared their experiences with the difficulties of using finger painting
techniques. Finger painting is a source of producing works and a medium to help children express
their art and open opportunities for children to appreciate their imagination (Wahyuningsih et al.,
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 822
Figure 6 Presentation of Children's Work
Assessment of students is carried out regularly and continuously (Mayar et al., 2022), so
assessment is an essential activity in the program at KB Nurul Barokah. This is based on the results
of observations and interactions with informants that researchers have carried out in applying finger
painting activities to strengthen children's fine motor skills. Teachers and researchers conducted a
learning evaluation to determine children's acceptable motor development level after applying finger
painting activities. During the implementation of teaching and learning, teachers and researchers
monitor children who are able to use their fingers well when doing finger painting. They also pay
attention to the child's development during the learning process and monitor the activity of the child's
fingers after doing finger painting activities. At the time of learning, teachers and researchers give
value to children who actively follow activities well. In addition, they evaluated aspects of children's
fine motor development, starting from the first to the third meeting, using finger painting activities
until completion. Teachers and researchers assess by observing the results of children's activities.
The evaluation is based on the ability of the fingers and precise and precise wrist movements
(Siskawati & Syarah, 2020).
Evaluation of children's fine motor development in KB Nurul Barokah was carried out by
utilising finger painting techniques. When children carry out activities, teachers observe children's
ability to perform movements with good coordination of smooth muscles and accuracy in using their
hands (Siskawati & Syarah, 2020). This has proven effective, along with the implementation of a
structured and systematic learning process, as well as support from teachers who are reliable in
guiding children in drawing using these techniques. The results of the interview with the principal
also prove that classes that are not boring make children enthusiastic and enthusiastic about learning.
The fingerpainting technique proves its ability to help children's fine motor development. These
abilities include strength, fine motor control, coordination of the senses of sight and sense of touch,
touch and dexterity (Anggraheni, 2019). Movements involving specific parts of the body, such as the
muscles of the fingers and wrists, are what is meant by fine motor (Fazira et al., 2018). Fine motor
skills involve the careful actions of the hands and eyes. The technique of painting with fingers requires
mixing the flour dough that has been given colour and applying it with fingers on the painting plane.
The data obtained from the initial to late observations of children are still not good at moving
their fingers and still stiff when doing finger painting activities it turns out that only once they get this
finger painting learning after doing it in accordance with the existing RPPM until the child's
development has begun to appear in terms of the shrewdness of the hands which are initially still stiff
which is the lack of fine motor children, And after research, children have shown their development
even though not all students but only some who still need parental guidance and also in combining
colours have begun to adjust to the child's imagination, and children no longer feel disgusted when
touching colours with their fingers. In accordance with Bredekamp and Copple's theory of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 823
achievement indicators in fine motor children of 8 indicators, but not all are fulfilled, only a few,
1. Children can build three-dimensional frame-blocks of clothes.
2. Children can button handsome clothes.
3. The child can tie the shoelaces without help
4. The child can hold the pencil correctly
5. Children can peel peanut shells themselves.
After conducting research, the teacher still lacks creativity in providing a lesson for children, but the
teacher is in accordance with the theory of giving finger painting games to children.
4. Conclusion
One of the improvements in children's fine motor is by applying finger painting game
techniques through moving children's fingers when the painting is actually not only fine motor but
children's cognitive abilities also develop indirectly. The results showed that children were delighted
and enjoyed participating in this activity. These results also show that this finger painting activity can
develop children's eye and hand coordination and make them more skilled, and they can imagine
according to their wishes. Thanks to the excellent development of children's fine motor skills through
finger painting activities, they can also perform other tasks such as attaching their juice buttons,
wearing their shoelaces, peeling their peanut shells and being able to hold their forks and other
activities. However, some children do not like finger painting games or learning because they feel they
cannot be creative and lack confidence, so children prefer fast games or modern games. In accordance
with the results of interviews by teachers, the existence of this finger painting game began when
teachers attended training attended by PAUD teachers in the Gading sub-district about finger
painting. So since then, the Nurul Barokah family planning institution of Wangkal Village has used
finger painting to improve fine motor in children.
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