Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 882
The Effect of Work Posture on Work Fatigue in Furniture
Workers in the East Jakarta Furniture Industry Center
Iwan Jaya Azis, Nur Asniati Djaali, Brian Sri Prahastuti
Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin, Indonesia
Email: iwan_hse@rocketmail.com, nurdjaali@gmail.com, bsp.asdo[email protected]
Correspondence: iwan_hse@rocketmail.com
Ergonomics; Work Fatigue;
Work Posture
Indonesia's Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises sector in 2022
will reach 9.1 million. One of the MSMEs developing in Indonesia is
furniture at the East Jakarta Furniture Industry Center. Based on
researchers' observations of furniture workers at the East Jakarta
Furniture Industry Center, many workers still work without
personal protective equipment, and the working environment
conditions are poor. Testing has been carried out. In tidying work
activities such as sanding, the worker's body posture can cause work
fatigue, which causes accidents and work-related illnesses that
cause losses. They are proving the effect of work posture on work
fatigue of furniture workers in the furniture industry center. This
research design was cross-sectional, and the sample size in this
study was 127 respondents, with data collection using a reaction
timer and questionnaire. Data analysis uses univariate tests,
bivariate tests, and multivariate tests. Multivariate analysis results
show that work posture factors (p=0.002) have an influence on work
fatigue after being controlled by work climate factors (p=0.012),
history of illness (p=0.06), and workload (p=0.09) with a value of 0R
= 4.061. Entrepreneurs/employers should provide short chairs,
drinking water, and exhaust fans, conduct regular health checks, and
regulate workload. The government strengthens labor supervision
and makes regulations that require periodic health checks and
company compliance to participate in BPJS.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Work fatigue can occur in workers while doing work and increase the risk of work accidents;
fatigue that occurs when workers do work can increase errors that can cause work accidents. As seen
from the national K3 profile (2022), work accidents in Indonesia tend to grow. The number of
workers who received the work accident insurance program from the Social Security Organizing
Agency (BPJS) Employment from 2019 to 2021 was recorded at 210,789 people, 221,740 people, and
234,370 people, respectively. Globally, every year, as many as two million workers die due to fatigue.
The survey results in the USA show that fatigue is a big problem because as many as 24% of the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 883
workforce experience accidents due to work fatigue, and in Indonesia, around 65% of the workforce
experience work fatigue (Maurita, 2013; Mulyadi & Nurwinda, 2019). According to data from the
Ministry of Manpower in 2014, in Indonesia, every day, there are an average of 414 work accidents,
27% of which are caused by high work fatigue (Atiqoh, Wahyuni, & Lestantyo, 2014). Work Posture
is one of the leading causes of work fatigue where work there are some unnatural Work Postures such
as bending, twisting, squatting, and lifting. These attitudes can occur for 8 hours a day when the
workforce is doing work and potentially cause a decrease in labor productivity, while through
interviews with respondents, they are required to complete the product goods according to the target
time. Work in the MSME sector, especially furniture, is vulnerable and at risk to occupational safety
and health (K3) (Lady & Wiyanto, 2019), where workers interact with various tools and materials
used for furniture purposes. K3 regulations for the furniture sector have yet to be regulated in detail,
so there is no strict supervision or obligation of the owner to maintain K3 in the workplace to avoid
work accidents such as scratches, cuts, crushes, bumps, crashes, etc. In the East Jakarta Furniture
Industry Center, there are repetitive movements and various work postures on the job, for example,
in the sanding section for a specific duration of time, which can cause work fatigue (Agustin & Sariah,
2018; Amri, Erliana, & Fairuza Lubis, 2019; Cristiyanti, Wahyu, & Muis, 2022). Control of occupational
safety and health risks can follow a hierarchical approach. Risk control hierarchy is the stages in risk
prevention and control to reduce or eliminate the level of risk until it is acceptable to humans or
workers (Ergonomi Industri Tarwaka, 2015; Sholichul Tarwaka & Sudiajeng, 2004). In the hierarchy
of risk control, there are two approaches, namely, the long-term approach and the short-term
approach. The approach must be done clearly to avoid consequences that arise, either permanent or
2. Materials and Methods
This research is quantitative and cross-sectional. It was conducted at the East Jakarta Furniture
Industry Center involving 127 furniture workers. The sample was calculated using the proportion
estimation sample formula and will be conducted in August 2023.
The instruments used to measure work fatigue are reaction timer tools and Rapid Entire Body
Assessment (REBA) questionnaires for work posture, then for work climate using thermal monitors,
disease history, questionnaires, and workloads, namely SNI 7269: 2009. Measuring work fatigue
using a reaction timer is objective because respondents are given light stimulation and asked to
respond by pressing a button. Work posture assessment using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment
(REBA) questionnaire is designed to assess overall posture when performing work such as neck, back,
and legs. The data was carried out by multivariate analysis using logistic regression analysis of risk
factor models and using the odds ratio value to see the magnitude of the opportunity for work fatigue
in workers who have risky postures.
3. Result and Discussion
The results showed that for furniture workers at the East Jakarta Furniture Industry Center, as
many as 43 respondents (33.9%) did not experience work fatigue, and 84 respondents (66.1%)
experienced work fatigue. It is known that in the work posture of furniture workers in the East Jakarta
Furniture Industry Center, as many as 59 respondents (46.5%) experienced a non-risky work
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, May 2024 884
posture, and 68 respondents (53.5%) experienced a risky work posture. Analysis of work fatigue
variables with work posture showed that work posture was risky and experienced fatigue in 53
respondents (77.9%). Work posture was not risky, and fatigue was felt by as many as 31 respondents
(52.5%). According to the chi-square test results, there is a correlation between work posture and
work fatigue with a variable p-value of 0.005. The p-value < 0.05 so that according to the findings of
the analysis, the value of the Odd Ratio (OR) is 3.191, which shows that workers who have a risky
work posture will experience a risk of 3,191 times experiencing work fatigue than workers who have
a work posture not at risk. Confounding variables are Work Climate, Age, History of Disease,
Education, Workload, Working Time, Noise, and Lighting (Adventina & Widanarko, 2021). From the
chi-square analysis, only Work Climate, Disease History, Workload, Working Period, Working Period,
and Lighting obtained a p-value of < 0.25. It was included in the Multivariate test, namely multiple
logistic regression.
This study's results align with previous research: Work posture affects work fatigue in workers
at the Makassar Container terminal, South Sulawesi, with a value of p = 0.002 Cristiyanti dkk., (2022).
Work posture and temperature also affect work fatigue with p = 0.011, p = 0.045, and p = 0.023 in
informal sector workers in Solor village, East Nusa Tenggara Odi, Purimahua, & Ruliati (2018). Work
attitude and workload affect fatigue in public service workers in Makassar with a p-value = 0.001
(Indriyani, Badri, Oktariza, & Ramadhani, 2022; Rosmiati, Abdullah, & Nurlinda, 2021). Work attitude
(p = 0.009 and working period (p = 0.002) are related to work fatigue in furniture workers in Tempe
District, Wajo Regency (Wahyuni, Rasman, & Khaer, 2021). Work postures vary based on the
observations of furniture workers at the East Jakarta Furniture Industry Center. There are standing
work postures, squatting, bent backs, and repetitive movements; this adjusts to the type of sanded
furniture, such as cabinets, tables, chairs, and others. Work posture in the fire-making process varies
greatly, and repetitive work with moving hands can trigger fatigue in the workers' muscles.
Some workers are also in a squatting work posture that is not natural, which will potentially
press the blood vessels in the legs indirectly and can trigger obstacles to the blood vessels in the legs,
which can be characterized by tingling. Work climate also affects work fatigue (0.010) (Eka, ., & DN,
2019). This can occur because workers are exposed to heat directly or indirectly from machines or
sunlight. Some furniture also uses a tin roof where the absorption by the sun is high enough so that
the condition of the furniture will get hotter, and when interviewed, many workers use short clothes
because it is pretty hot. History of disease also affects work fatigue (p = 0.020). Physiological and
psychological fatigue can occur if the worker's body is unhealthy or sick or someone complains about
specific diseases. The greater the condition felt less fit workers, the more it will trigger work fatigue.
Body conditions that are not fit can make or be followed by an increase in body temperature in the
body and also affect the minimum energy needs in the body. Workload also affects work fatigue. The
higher the workload, the greater the potential for the workforce to quickly experience work fatigue.
This study showed that there was a relationship between workload and furniture worker fatigue; it
was proven that as many as 72.4% of respondents experienced heavy workloads and fatigue.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 885
4. Conclusion
In the work posture of furniture workers in the East Jakarta Furniture Industry Center, 59
respondents (46.5%) experienced a non-risky work posture, and 68 respondents (53.5%)
experienced a risky work posture. Work fatigue of furniture workers at the East Jakarta Furniture
Industry Center: As many as 43 respondents (33.9%) did not experience work fatigue, and 84
respondents (66.1%) experienced work fatigue. There is an influence of work posture on furniture
worker fatigue, which is controlled by variables of medical history, workload, and work climate is a
confounding variable in the study The Effect of Work Posture on Work Fatigue of Furniture Workers
in the East Jakarta Furniture Industry Center. Suggestion: We recommend providing a short chair if
the work is done in the lower area of the power zone, such as squatting, so the posture becomes less
risky. Affordable drinking water is provided by workers so that workers avoid dehydration due to the
hot work climate, and the provision of exhaust fans to circulate air exposes workers if in a closed
workplace area. Periodic medical examinations are carried out at least once every year to determine
furniture workers' occupational health conditions. They regulate workload by adjusting the
workability of furniture workers, for example, by setting work targets regularly so that the intensity
of work can be regular. The role of the Government is to strengthen labor supervision in the MSME
sector at the East Jakarta Furniture Industry Center to ensure safe, healthy, and productive working
environment conditions.
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