e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 860
1. Introduction
The development of land problems nationally is highly highlighted by practitioners or non-
governmental organizations, where there are many land mafias/land grabbing and many reports in
the Post about this. The Minister of Agrarian Spatial Planning or the National Land Agency (ATR /
BPN), Hadi Tjahjanto, once emphasized that he would not be indiscriminate in cracking down on land
mafia cases. Minister Hadi said he would take firm action against unscrupulous officials of the
National Land Agency involved in land mafia practices and said at the audition, "brothers if there is a
violation I will not hesitate to remove, due process and dismiss." (Antara & Muhtarom, 2022).
However, this is very different from Decision Case No. 1154/Pid.B/2021/PN. JKT.SE, in this case, Ir.
Burhanuddin, as the defendant, owns land located in the Subang area of West Java and has justifiable
rights in the form of a Certificate of Ownership, as Ir. Burhanudin sold his ownership land with two
sale and purchase agreements, and the First Sale and Purchase Agreement Deed was made between
Ir. Burhanuddin as Seller with PT. Wijaya Karya Beton, as the Buyer, wherein making the Deed of Sale
and Purchase using the services of a Notary / PPAT office with a land object/land area of 300,000 m²
for IDR 133,500,000,000 (one hundred thirty-three billion five hundred million rupiah) and with the
second Sale and Purchase Agreement Deed related to 200,000 m² land for IDR 89,000,000,000
(eighty-nine billion rupiah). Let's look at the definition of an agreement from the view of Wirjono
Prodjodikoro. An agreement is defined "as a legal act regarding property between two parties, in
which one party promises or is considered to promise to do something or not to do something, while
the other party has the right to demand the implementation of that promise." while according to Sri
Soedewi Masychoen Sofwan, "that the agreement is a legal act in which one or more binds himself
against one or more others." and Subekti's view, regarding the definition of the covenant "that a
covenant is an event in which one makes a promise to another or in which two people promise each
other to do something."
In each agreement, there are 2 (two) kinds of subjects, namely, first, a human being or a legal
entity who gets the burden of obligations for something, and second, a human or a legal entity who
gets rights and gets the right to carry out these obligations
(Khairandy, 2014). It is obvious that, in
total, the land was sold by Ir. Burhanidin sold the land to PT. Wijaya Karya Beton becomes 500,000
m² (covering an area of 300,000 m² plus 200,000 m²), and the total price is IDR 222,500,000,000 (two
hundred twenty-two billion five hundred million rupiah). While the Buyer, in this case PT. Wijaya
Karya Beton has just paid by transferring to Ir. Burhanudin's account is only Rp. 199.360.000.000,-
(one hundred ninety-nine billion three hundred sixty million rupiah). In this case, there is still an
obligation of PT. Wijaya Karya Beton that has not been fulfilled amounted to Rp 23,140,000,000,-
(twenty-three billion one hundred forty million rupiah). Regarding the right of ownership of land as
stipulated in Article 16 of Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning the Basic Agrarian Law has referred / in
accordance with Article 19 of Government Regulation Number 10 of 1961, which has been replaced
by Government Regulation Number 24/1997, which states "every agreement intended to transfer land
rights, must be proven by deed"(Khairandy, 2014).
Everything that starts with an agreement and has been deed is not a criminal act, and the author
would like to provide a view of how the Criminal Act of Fraud 378 of the Criminal Code, in the
perspective of Indonesian Criminal Law, is related to land regulations. There is a lack of legal certainty
regarding a dispute that begins with a fight over the sale and purchase agreement of the question case