Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 799
The Role of Mass Media in The Emergence of Deviant Behavior in
Lianda Rachmadany Sinaga, Ayu Larasati
Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: lianda.sinaga@esaunggul.ac.id, ayu.lr@esaunggul.ac.id
Correspondence: lianda.sinaga@esaunggul.ac.id
Communication Sociology;
Communication; Mass Media
One of the primary studies in the sociology of communication is the
influence of mass communication in society. Media is a
communication transmitter or "channel" that includes newspapers,
magazines, radio, television, movies, posters, and banners. The
medium can be used and received by the communicator, but the
medium can affect more than one communicator. This can affect
many communicants regardless of the number of communicators;
this means if a communicator uses any of the mentioned mediums,
they can easily influence the behaviour of society as a whole.
Behaviour change can have positive and negative impacts, which is
why learning or understanding the role of mass media in
communication is very important. There are many cases where the
use of mass media can lead to deviant actions. Deviant actions that
appear more often today will involve the mass media, meaning that
the mass media has a significant influence. The impact of mass
media can be seen in our daily lives, and mass media has become a
basic need of human society as a whole. With mass media
incorporated into everyday life, any information can be gathered.
Such information can be the difference between a positive impact
and a negative impact, it all depends on the user (communicator).
This journal will focus on how mass media can trigger deviant
societal actions and how to overcome them.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Communication is a multidisciplinary branch of social science because the approaches used
come from various other disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, linguistics, and
politics (Tam et al., 2024). Max Weber defined sociology as the science that delves into social action
or human behaviour, emphasizing the intricate dynamics within society (Almahdi, 2023; Mehdi,
2024). Expanding upon this notion, Pitirim Sorokin delineated sociology as a discipline examining
multifaceted relationships and influences among various social phenomena. This encompasses the
intricate interplay between economic factors and religious beliefs, familial structures and moral
values, legal frameworks and economic activities, and the intersection of community dynamics with
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 800
political processes. Additionally, Sorokin emphasized the significance of understanding the
interrelationship between social phenomena and non-social factors, such as geographical or
biological aspects, enriching the breadth of sociological inquiry (Brossard & Chandler, 2022). Sociology
encompasses the comprehensive study of diverse social manifestations (Sambas, 2015). In the
sociology of communication, the study of mass communication is a crucial tool for scrutinizing and
understanding these social phenomena within society (Huang et al., 2024).
Mass communication is communication through mass media or to many people (masses) using
media means. Mass media is a means of mass communication. Mass means a crowd or group of people,
crowd or public. According to Bittner, mass communication is messages communicated through a
mass medium to many people (Bara et al., 2021).
According to McQuail, mass communication can be seen from several aspects, usually
organizational resources (Nurhablisyah & Bakti, 2024). In terms of messages, they can be estimated,
processed, standardized, and consistently reproduced; they are a product and commodity of
exchange value. In terms of relationships, because the aspect of the message is standardized, mass
communication has an impersonal relationship (Lou, 2022). The next aspect is the purpose of the
message, which is a broad audience (Kaltenbacher & Drews, 2020). The last aspect is the
simultaneous reception of messages (Imhof et al., 2020).
This is where the sociology of communication is used because it is a sociology that specifically
studies communication activities in social interaction, namely communication as a reciprocal
relationship that affects each other between individuals, groups, or society (Putri et al., 2022).
The primary study of the sociology of communication is mass media in communication. You are
conveying social reality through disseminating news on a wide scale and quickly through talk shows,
reality shows, advertisements, news, etc.
This journal will discuss three sub-themes related to changes or the emergence of societal
behaviour. The first sub-theme will discuss mass media in communication; the second will discuss
the role of mass media, and the third will discuss mass media in the emergence of deviant behaviour
in society. Thus, this study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the role of mass media in
influencing people's behaviour and develop solutions or recommendations that can help reduce its
negative impact.
2. Materials and Methods
The research method used in writing this journal is qualitative. The qualitative research method
is descriptive and tends to use analysis. The author also uses an approach, namely the text research
approach, because the object of research is text and data collection. Material from data collection can
be records published during the study. All arguments supporting this journal's preparation are
sourced from books, journals, newspapers, and other scientific writings related to the object studied
in this journal.
3. Result and Discussion
Mass Media in Communication
In 1962, Marshall McLuhan said that the basic idea of using mass media in communication
occurred because of various communication changes. Mass media technology shapes how individuals
think and behave in society and directs people to move from one technological century to another
(Bimo, 2017).
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Mass media in communication has elements and characteristics such as publicity, universality,
periodicity, continuity, and actuality (Resmi et al., 2024). In mass communication, media use is
accompanied by elements of good news, namely 5W 1H (what, when, where, who, why, how).
The position of mass media in the development of society is critical, so the mass media industry
is increasing today. This can be seen from the many television stations, radio stations, and print media
companies. Media included in the mass media category are newspapers, magazines, radio, television,
and the five media films are called the big five of mass media (Rubin & Perse, 2020). The mass media
used in communication is also divided into two types, namely electronic mass media and print mass
media. The most popular electronic mass media today is the Internet. Some people categorize the
internet as mass media because many can receive its message. However, some reject this opinion
because the characteristics of internal media are opposite those of mass media. Information through
the internet can only be read if the audience is actively looking for it, which makes the difference with
mass media such as television(Metag, 2020). However, with technological advances today, audiences
have been actively searching the internet, and even mass print media has been increasingly
abandoned due to the rise of electronic media such as the Internet. Because internet media is more
accessible to access anywhere, as long as the audience has a network connection, they can find
information online.
This means that mass media is an official means and channel for disseminating news and
messages to the broader community in various regions. The role of mass media will be explained
further in the next sub-theme.
The Role of Mass Media
In sociology, mass media is a means for cultural development, not only in the sense of art and
symbols but also in developing procedures, fashions, lifestyles, and norms. Mass media plays a role in
creating or changing societal behaviour patterns. Therefore, the position of mass media in society is
of high importance. With the mass media, a society that was initially uncivilized can become civilized
(McCrackin et al., 2024). Mass media has a vast network and is mass so that people who read are not
only one person but number in the thousands. This is the role of mass media as a tool to build human
The second role of mass media is the delivery of information. In general, information about a
person, organization, or event is considered more objective because the information can be published.
Published information must meet certain conditions.
The third role of mass media is to influence people's knowledge globally. Technology
development allows audiences to receive information from other parts of the world instantly.
Information is needed to broaden horizons and educate the public. In addition, mass media has an
essential role in disseminating information/news to the public, and this also applies to the
government in forming public opinion.
The fourth role of mass media is its role in the communication process. Media is a means of
communication that broadcasts large numbers of information, ideas, and attitudes to diverse
communicants (Kurniawan et al., 2023; Syukri, 2017). This shows that mass media is an essential
institution for society. McQuail supported this assumption, putting forward his thoughts. The first
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 802
mass media is industrial, the second is a source of power for control, the third is a forum to display
people's lives, and the fourth is a vehicle for cultural development.
The latter role is to direct, guide, and influence life. Mass media has tremendous power to
influence people's attitudes and behaviours. Even the media can direct people to conform to their will.
Denis McQuail describes mass media as a power source, a tool of control, management, and
innovation in society that can substitute for other forces. Because of its influence on the masses, the
media also often acts as a vehicle for cultural development.
Mass media in the emergence of deviant behaviour
As explained earlier, mass media is a channel for information, entertainment, etc., but it has
other impacts beyond its role.
One of them is that mass media has a hidden role in giving rise to deviant behaviour in society
because its effects not only affect a person's attitude but can affect behaviour at a higher level in
society's social system.
Whether the effects of mass media occur intentionally or unintentionally, whatever they are,
both will still be accepted by the public. This all depends on who provided the information, under
what conditions, and the conditions of the people receiving the information were.
Based on this explanation, the role of mass media in the emergence of deviant behaviour is very
clear: if a mass media institution wants to provide information that contains controversy or the like,
all levels of society will experience behavioural changes. For example, if a news agency airs an act of
religious intolerance in an area, some people respond openly, and some respond negatively or closed.
People who react behind closed doors may share their opinions through social media and be seen by
others. This will cause a domino effect where one news causes hatred in the community against the
religious group. The behaviour is deviant, but the deviation is still in the early stages, namely changes
in individual or community behaviour. Other stages are much more deviant, for example, in the
second stage, the affected society can damage the social order, norms, social systems, and culture
(Kompasiana, 2021).
4. Conclusion
The role of mass media that can be felt most among the community is changing lifestyle and
behaviour patterns. The appearance of deviant behaviour in individuals will change how they
perceive their social environment. For example, intolerant behaviour will strain the individual's
relationship with individuals with different beliefs. The hidden role of mass media is miserable;
therefore, institutions and individuals who only use social media must be careful with the information
we disseminate. Information disseminated without paying attention to the 5W 1H element can trigger
the emergence of deviant behaviour in society.
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