Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 788
Visual Design of Pop-Up Book Publication Binturong the Rare
Cat Bear
Dermawan Syahputra, Muhammad Rusdi Tanjung
Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, Indonesia
Email: wawanery[email protected], rsd.ad[email protected]m
Correspondence: wawanerys@gmqil.com
Binturong; Civet Cat;
Conservation; Pop-up book;
This research aims to design an engaging and educational pop-up
book about the Binturong (Arctictis binturong), a nocturnal creature
related to civets but distinguished by size. Known by various names
in different regions, such as Binturong, Binturung, Menturung, or
Menturun, this animal is referred to as Binturong, Malay Civet Cat,
Asian Bearcat, Palawan Bearcat, or simply Bearcat in English. The
wild population of Binturong has experienced a significant decline,
leading to an elevation of its conservation status to Vulnerable (VU),
according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN). Binturong is listed among the protected species by the
Indonesian government. The population decline is attributed to
human intervention through exploitation, excessive hunting,
deforestation, and forest fires. The responsibility of preserving the
environment and biodiversity should concern society. Particularly,
educating children, as the next generation, about the Binturong is
crucial for understanding the importance of ensuring the
sustainability of this species. Therefore, the pop-up book is
considered an attractive educational medium. A pop-up book is an
interactive form of literature with images that can be erected,
aesthetically pleasing, and capable of movement. Thus, the pop-up
book serves as an effective tool to enhance reading interest and
knowledge about the Binturong.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Books are one of the oldest communication media that are still relevant today. According to the
Big Dictionary of Indonesian, books can be interpreted as sheets of paper that are bound, contain
writing, or are blank (https://kbbi.web.id/buku) (KBBI, n.d.). Besides that, according to DR. Jujun S.
Suriasumantri in (Koentjaraningrat, 1985) states, "a book is a work made systematically and
coherently, consisting of sentences that describe complex and organized ideas and thoughts and
produced through an adequate writing process." A book is a work of publication that has its charm
from its physical form. Books have a format that attracts people's attention to read them (Kusrianto,
2006, p. 1).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 789
In essence, books have an essential function in human life, both as a medium of learning, a
means of disseminating ideas, and a medium of entertainment. Books are a source of knowledge that
can help readers acquire new knowledge, broaden their horizons, and deepen their understanding in
various areas of life. Readers can explore new ideas through books and enrich their imaginations and
For example, fiction books offer compelling stories, which can distract readers from daily
routines; religious books can provide guidance and teachings for religious people and inspire those
who are looking for the meaning of life; and educational books can be a source of learning for readers
and help readers improve their knowledge, abilities, and skills in various fields, including Animal
introduction (Siregar & Rahmah, 2016).
Interest in reading in Indonesia is currently still shallow when compared to other countries in
the world; referring to data from the survey results of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), from the national index data shows that the level of interest of
Indonesian people is only 0.001 per cent of the Indonesian population, which means there is only one
person out of 1000 residents who actively read books. This is undoubtedly a severe problem because
low reading interest in the population can hurt increasing public knowledge. Therefore, solutions are
needed to increase people's interest in reading and love for books, especially children.
Learning to use creative media with many visual elements will make it easier for children to
remember. According to Boby Hartanto, M.Psi (Alamsyah & Purba, 2020), "The human brain prefers
everything that is pictorial and colourful because images can have a million meanings while colours
will make everything more alive." This certainly makes creative media an effective means to increase
interest in reading and introduce animals to children.
One of the protected animals that is interesting to discuss in the book is Binturong, scientifically
named Arctictis Binturong. This animal is related to the weasel but has a larger body than the weasel;
this animal has many names, in some areas referred to as Binturong, Binturung, Menturung, or
Menturun. In English, this animal is called Binturong, Malay Civet Cat, Asian Bearcat, Palawan Bearcat,
or simply Bearcat. It is called the Bearcat (Cat Bear) probably because this dense black furry carnivore
resembles a long-tailed bear with a bushy and long moustache like a cat. While in China, this animal
is called Xiong-Li (Alamendah, 2010).
Binturong is a nocturnal animal that spends most of its life on trees; Duckworth said, "Binturong
is an Arboreal animal and rarely goes to the ground" (Duckworth, 2016). This directly contradicts
Fadli's statement, "Binturong, like most ferrets, is a nocturnal animal active at night (Meikawati,
2018). Although more often on top of trees (Arboreal), Binturong also descends to the ground
(Terrestrial). Moreover, this animal is distributed in tropical forests (Rahmadi, 2015).
Binturong wild populations are likely to decline and need to be protected, so the International
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) put this animal into Vulnerable conservation status (VU;
Vulnerable). Even Holden (2016) said in (Pryono, 2018) that "This animal by the Indonesian
government is one of the protected animals." this is evidenced by the inclusion of Binturong animals
in the list of protected animals in the regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the
Republic of Indonesia P.106/2018. The decline in the population of this animal is inseparable from
human intervention that exploits this animal and damages the habitat where it lives with a lot of
hunting, deforestation, and forest fires. Alamendah also suggests that "Binturung is hunted for its
thick furry skin and to be used for its body parts as traditional medicinal materials" (Alamendah,
As a society, we are responsible for preserving the environment and biodiversity, especially
children who, as the next generation, need to get education about Binturong animals to understand
the importance of maintaining the survival of this species and how to preserve the ecosystem around
these animals. Therefore, creative and exciting information media alternatives are needed to explain
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 790
this animal to children in order to gain knowledge about this animal. Efforts to meet these needs
require information media presented in an exciting and interactive form, such as Pop-Up Books
(Wirawan & Siti Indah Lestari, 2023).
A Pop-Up Book is a book that has folds of images in the form of three-dimensional layers on the
page and can be moved so that it can attract the reader's attention and is not dull Sholikah (Silqi &
Febrianto, 2022). This is in line with Umam's statement (2019, p. 4) that "Pop-Up Book is a book that
has an image display that can be enforced, beautiful, and can move. Thus, it can be said that this book
is so amazing that it can attract the attention of learners". Thus, we can take advantage of the
advantages of this Pop-Up Book as an interactive book media to increase reading interest and
knowledge about Binturong. In this way, we can provide understanding to the community, especially
children, about the importance of maintaining biodiversity and preserving clay animals in Indonesia.
This Pop-Up Book uses 42 x 21cm of paper per page, with page numbering calculated when the
book is opened. The research will only use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Pro Create and examine
the relationship between visual elements and information (Putra, 2023). At the same time, the
audience is Indonesian people aged eight years and over with a minimum educational background in
elementary school. The contents will discuss aspects of Binturong and reference sources derived from
the author's documentation and related parties, as well as trusted journals, books, and articles. The
goal is to develop a Pop-Up Book as an exciting learning medium, invite readers to preserve Binturong
and provide information about the conservation and characteristics of these animals. Its benefits
include providing a visual understanding of Binturong, raising awareness of its importance, and
expanding knowledge about this species to increase readers' interest in studying it.
2. Materials and Methods
The author designed a pop-up book about Binturong animals by collecting data through
literature studies, field observations, and interviews with related experts. Primary data were
obtained through field observations at Pematang Siantar Animal Park, which yielded in-depth
information about Binturong's behaviour and habitat. In addition, an interview with Mr Reinheart
Simarmata from the Environment and Forestry Service-North Sumatra Province provided insight into
this animal's conservation status and challenges. Secondary data from various sources were also used
in the design of this book. Data analysis is carried out through a 5W+1H approach to support the
development of design concepts. Creative ideas integrate the information obtained to add value,
appeal, and uniqueness to pop-up books. Thinking methods, themes, target users, and creative
strategies are used in designing concepts. The media concept includes pop-up books as the leading
media, supported by supporting media such as bookmarks, mugs, stickers, and others. Visualization
involves developing visual elements, design alternatives, prototyping, digitization, and assembly.
With a holistic approach, the pop-up book "Binturong: The Rare Cat Bear" is designed to provide an
informative and engaging reading experience for its target audience, especially children and
adolescents concerned about nature conservation.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 791
3. Result and Discussion
In this documentation, the author shows a booth that not only displays pop-up books as the
main element but also integrates merchandise such as tumblers, mugs, and keychains. These
merchandise items are designed by taking inspiration from significant media, creating an engaging
alignment. In addition, the author involves elements of supporting information media, including T-
banners and infographics, which synergistically support conceptual explanations. Then, it includes a
manual book that provides detailed guidance on every creative aspect of the pop-up book creation
process to invite readers to explore the creative process involving various media.
Figure 1 Pop-up book documentation
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Figure 2 Dokumentasi hasil karya Pop-up book
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 792
Figure 3 Pop-up book documentation
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Implementation of Works
By referring to the work done, it has implemented its work at Rahmat Zoo & Park Bengabing
and measured achievement through questionnaires given to visitors. The questionnaire assesses the
extent to which the objectives of this work were achieved. The data obtained by the author as an
author comes from the results of respondents filling out questionnaires. The following is
documentation of the implementation of the work that has been carried out:
Figure 4 Documentation (Photo explaining a pop-up book
"Binturong, The rare cat bear" To Visitors of Rahmat Zoo & Park Bengabing)
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 793
The details of the questions given by the author and the results of the data received by the
author from the questionnaire that respondents have given are as follows:
Figure 5 Respondent Diagram Against Reading Pop-up Book
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Based on the diagram above, out of 62 visitor respondents, as many as 32 visitors (52%) stated
that they had never read a Pop-Up Book. Meanwhile, another 30 visitors (48%) said they had read a
pop-up book.
Figure 6 Respondent Diagram Against Reading Pop-up Book
Source : Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Do you have ever read a Pop Up Book before
Ever Never
Do you find reading pop up books more interesting than
reading regular books?
Yes No
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 794
Based on the diagram above, out of 62 visitor respondents, as many as 61 visitors (98%) found
reading Pop-Up Books more interesting than reading regular books. Meanwhile, another visitor (2%)
found reading a pop-up book no more interesting than a regular book.
Figure 7 Respondent Diagram Against Reading Pop-up Book
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Based on the diagram above, from 62 visitor respondents, as many as 62 visitors (100%)
agreed that Pop-Up books have great potential as a practical learning medium. These findings
reflect a positive reception of pop-up books' ability to support learning.
Figure 8 Respondent Diagram Against Reading Pop-up Book
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Do you think that pop-up books can be an effective
learning tool?
Yes No
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 795
Based on the diagram above, out of 62 visitor respondents, as many as 62 visitors (100%)
stated that Pop-Up books are suitable for all ages. These findings illustrate a positive acceptance
of the universality of Pop-Up book appeal among diverse age groups.
Figure 9 Respondent Diagram Against Reading Pop-up Book
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Based on the diagram above, out of 62 visitor respondents, 60 visitors (97%) said they enjoyed
reading the Pop-up Book "Binturong, the rare cat bear." As many as two visitors (3%) said they did
not enjoy reading the Pop-up Book "Binturong, the rare cat bear.”
Figure 10 Respondent Diagram Against Reading Pop-up Book
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 62 visitor respondents, as many as two visitors
(3%) Stated the Pop-up book "Binturong, the rare Cat Bear" explained binturong animals poorly, as
many as 37 visitors (60%) Stated the Pop-up book "Binturong, the rare Cat Bear" explained about
binturong animals quite well, as many as 23 visitors (37%) Stated the Pop-up book "Binturong, The
rare Cat Bear" explains the animal very well.
Does the Pop Up book "Binturong, the rare Cat Bear"
explain the animal well?
Kurang Baik Cukup Baik Sangat Baik
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 796
Figure 11 Respondent Diagram Against Reading Pop-up Book
Source : Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 62 visitor respondents, as many as two visitors
(3%) stated that their knowledge about Binturong life did not increase after reading the pop-up book
"Binturong, the rare cat bear" as many as 60 visitors (97%) stated that their knowledge about
Binturong life increased after reading the pop-up book "Binturong, the rare cat bear.”
Figure 12 Respondent Diagram Against Reading Pop-up Book
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Based on the diagram above, out of 62 visitor respondents, as many as 62 visitors (100%) said
they would like to recommend the pop-up book "Binturong Si Bear Rare Cat" to friends or family. This
100% agreement rate reflects not only the high level of satisfaction with the quality of the pop-up
book but also the solid positive impression generated by the work. The desire to recommend this
book is concrete evidence that the work successfully meets expectations and provides a memorable
reading experience for its readers.
Did your knowledge of Binturong life increase after you
read the pop up book "Binturong the rare cat bear?"
Bertambah Tidak Bertambah
Would you like to recommend the pop-up book "Binturong
the Rare Cat Bear" to friends or family?
Ya Tidak
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 797
Figure 13 Respondent Diagram Against Reading Pop-up Book
Source: Dermawan Syahputra, 2023
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 62 visitor respondents, as many as three visitors
(5%) stated that the pop-up book "Binturong the Rare Cat Bear" could not be an attractive gift, as
many as 59 visitors (95%) stated that the pop-up book "Binturong the Rare Cat Bear" could be an
attractive gift. These results reflect the variability of views among respondents, but the majority see
these pop-up books as a potential reward option. The positive interpretation of most respondents
gives the impression that this pop-up book is considered a unique and entertaining choice to give as
a gift, considering the combination of interesting visual elements and educational information offered
by the work.
4. Conclusion
Binturong, an exotic animal originating from Asia, especially Indonesia, faces significant
protection challenges. Despite legal protection, the lack of knowledge about the species leads to some
communities exploiting the habitat and animals. Further efforts are needed to educate the public
about the importance of maintaining the sustainability of Binturong and the negative impacts of
exploitation. The distribution of special knowledge about Binturong and the use of pop-up books as
learning media are essential strategies to increase public awareness, especially among children, about
the importance of the conservation of this animal. Collaboration between authorities, NGOs, and local
communities is also needed to create more significant synergies in protecting Binturong and its
habitat and increasing collective understanding of the importance of conserving this species. This
thesis is the starting point in triggering enthusiasm and positive actions to maintain the sustainability
of Binturong and biodiversity in Indonesia.
Do you feel that the pop-up book "Binturong the Rare Cat
Bear" can be an attractive gift?
Ya Tidak
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 798
5. References
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