e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 20204 771
4. Conclusion
This research developed a complaint website application and Adu.in public service, with a
complaint feature via WhatsApp, which the people of West Java and the West Java Provincial DPRD
successfully used. The app allows people to report problems around them using WhatsApp's features,
including photos and the location of the incident. The West Java DPRD immediately follows up on
every complaint according to the community's category. The test results using black box testing and
user acceptance testing show that the application can function correctly. Based on the results of
performance testing using load testing, this application also shows good performance. Despite this,
the study still has the potential to be improved. This research can be a reference to improve the
application by providing a complaint ID so that it can be searched through the main website. Future
research is expected to improve handling messages beyond expectations and add spam filtering and
image recognition features. Improved live chat features with admins, and the possibility of dealing
directly with members of the DPRD or related commissions are also considerations for further
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