Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 644
The Evaluation of the Implementation of the Independent
Curriculum E-Report at Ngasinan Elementary School, Semarang
Murtiari Setyaningtyas, Yari Dwikurnaningsih, Bambang Ismanto
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia
Email : murtiari62@gmail.com, yari.dwikurnaningsih@uksw.edu, bambang.ismanto@uksw.edu
Correspondence: murtiari62@gmail.com*
Independent Curriculum
E-Report; CIPP; Program
To facilitate teachers in administrative matters related to
reporting students' learning outcomes, an E-Report is used as
a reporting tool. This research aimed to analyze or evaluate
the use of the Independent Curriculum E-Report at Ngasinan
Elementary School in Semarang Regency. The research
utilized the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process,
Product). Interviews, documentary studies, and observations
were employed to collect data. Data collection, data reduction,
data presentation, and drawing conclusions were the data
analysis techniques used in this research.The research
findings on the contextual aspect align with the Curriculum
Implementation Guidelines, which emphasize the periodic
delivery of student reports through E-Reports. The input
aspect in the areas of planning, human resources, financing,
and infrastructure is generally in accordance, but there is a
need for improvement in certain areas. The process aspect
includes pre-implementation procedures, implementation,
management of infrastructure, human resources, and
financing in accordance with the guidelines. The product
aspect involves the improvement of human resource quality,
accurate and up-to-date information, accountability,
efficiency, convenience, and reports in both print and digital
formats. The driving factors include collaboration, awareness,
convenience, motivation, transparency, infrastructure,
financing, and efficiency. The inhibiting factors include a lack
of infrastructure, internet connectivity, skills, and systems.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No.4, April 2024 645
1. Introduction
The changes in the Independent Curriculum indicate that the education system is adapting to
an increasingly advanced era. The Independent Curriculum is developed as a more flexible framework
that can be adjusted to each school's conditions while incorporating essential content, character
development, and student competencies based on their talents and interests. The Republic of
Indonesia Law on the National Education System Article 12 states, "Every student in an educational
unit has the right to receive educational services by their talents, interests, and abilities." (Pemerintah
Pusat Indonesia, 2003). The Independent Curriculum also implements three learning principles:
intracurricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. Intracurricular learning is conducted
through differentiation, allowing teachers to choose teaching materials that align with the
characteristics and needs of students. Co-curricular learning in the form of strengthening the
Pancasila student profile, often referred to as P5, is oriented towards developing student
characteristics and general competencies. Extracurricular learning can be conducted according to
student's talents and interests.
The changes in the curriculum also influence the assessment of students. The assessment
carried out by teachers is reported in the form of a report generated from the E-Report (2022).
Reporting the learning outcomes of students is a mandatory task for the school, as stated in the copy
of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Decree number 56 of 2022
concerning the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Curriculum, which states, "Educational Units
have the flexibility to determine the mechanism and format (Pedoman Penerapan Kurikulum Dalam
Rangka Pemulihan Pembelajaran, 2022) reporting learning outcomes to parents/guardians. The
reporting of learning outcomes is conveyed at least at the end of each semester, and educational units
regularly provide student reports through E-Reports/dapodik.". As conveyed by the Director General
of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, and Secondary Education, Dr. Irawan Syahril, Ph.D.,
"the use of the Independent Curriculum E-Report is expected to provide convenience for teachers to
submit student grade data that is integrated into Dapodik. Thus, the assessment policy in the
Independent Curriculum can directly enter the E-Report" ((Ditpsd, n.d.). "The E-Report policy is
central, namely a policy from the Ministry of Education and Culture organized by the Directorate
General of Basic and Secondary Education, deemed suitable and worthy of being maintained. The E-
Report is quite efficient because the server is not only used for the E-Report but also for the Computer-
Based Test (CBT) application, student attendance, teacher attendance, and the school website. The
evaluation of the E-Report will be the basis for the school's considerations in making policies" ((85
Evaluation of Implementation of Post-Transition, (Roekminiati & Mualifah, 2018). “The E-Report is a
web-based application integrated with Dapodik that facilitates teachers in planning, processing, and
reporting student learning outcomes for all levels of education, both formal and informal" (Untuk:
Administrator Oleh: Tim Pengembang e-Rapor Sekolah Dasar, n.d.) . The E-Report is expected to
simplify the work of teachers in inputting student learning outcomes in the form of grades linked to
Dapodik. Teachers no longer need to fill in student identities because the E-Report is already
integrated into Dapodik, automatically filling in student identities. Clearly, the use of the E-Report
makes the teacher's job easier. The effectiveness of the E-Report's objectives has been realized as it
facilitates teachers in entering grades and is connected to Dapodik (Roekminiati & Mualifah, 2018). This
is also stated by (Inggarwati, 2021), who mentions that the old system of manually processing data
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 646
requires a considerable amount of time and effort and is considered less effective and efficient in
producing report grades. Therefore, with the use of computers, grade input can be optimized. This
information processing system is designed to process data effectively and efficiently in entering
student data, teacher data, subject grades and optimizing computer usage. Teaching and learning is
an activity that is bound by goal directed and carried out specifically to achieve that goal. Because it
is very important to seek knowledge for a bright future. Supervision of students by the guardians of
the students made the results of their children's achievements not improving. As well as student
assessment by the teacher is still not well managed because it is still in the form of a note report
(Tukino et al., 2021).
In Semarang Regency itself, the use of E-Report has already begun in the first semester of the
2022/2023 academic year, especially at the elementary school level. However, the transition from
manual reports to E-Reports has not been entirely smooth. The challenge lies in teachers accustomed
to using manual reports, posing an obstacle to adopting E-Reports in schools. Moreover, the E-Report
is a new system, and its features are not identical to manual reports, requiring teachers time to adapt.
Another challenge is the system within the E-Report, where some features cannot be edited or
deleted. These perceived challenges prompted researchers to conduct a study on the "Evaluation of
the Use of the Independent Curriculum E-Report at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang
Regency." This is also echoed by (Putri et al., 2020), who emphasized quantitative assessment and the
new needs of E-Report users. E-Report users can navigate the system well, but improvements are still
needed in several aspects. Challenges in using E-Reports were also identified in a study by (Hikmah
et al., 2021), which indicated that the E-Report program is an innovation-supporting service from the
Directorate of High School Development in anticipation of the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum
(K13) (2013). Issues in implementing the E-Report program at State Senior High School 7 in Mataram
include some teachers' lack of understanding of information technology, slow server connections for
the E-Report, and a lack of understanding from parents towards the E-Report. The above research
demonstrates various challenges in using E-Reports and suggests solutions for addressing these
From interviews conducted by the researcher with the school principal, information was
obtained that there has not yet been an evaluation of using the E-Report in the Independent
Curriculum because it has only been implemented once this academic year. "Evaluation aims to test
the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and feasibility of the design and implementation of the
program. The results of the evaluation can be used as a reference for improving and determining
follow-up actions for the next implementation of the program."(Pedoman Penerapan Kurikulum
Dalam Rangka Pemulihan Pembelajaran, 2022) According to Sanders & Sullins, as cited in (Aw et al.,
2019) explained that "program evaluation is the process of systematically determining the quality of
a program and how it can be improved." This definition explains that program evaluation is a
systematic process to determine a program's quality and efforts to enhance its quality. According to
Isaac and Michael, as quoted by (Aw et al., 2019), the purpose of evaluation is to obtain information
about (1) the suitability or mismatch between needs and program goals, (2) the strengths or
weaknesses of strategies, media, equipment, and others used to achieve program goals, (3) the
accuracy or inaccuracy of program implementation with program goals, (4) the achievement of
program goals, and (5) whether the program has significant impacts or not.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No.4, April 2024 647
Based on the background presented, the researcher is interested in conducting an evaluation
study on using the E-Report in the Independent Curriculum at Ngasinan Elementary School in
Semarang Regency. This study employs the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation
model, aligning with the researcher's contextual, input, process, and product analysis. The selection
of the CIPP model refers to a fundamental, comprehensive, and integrated model. It is considered
fundamental because it encompasses the objects of the Independent Curriculum E-Rapor. It
comprehensively covers the needs and opportunities that form the basis of program administration,
program execution, implementation, and the outcomes of the Independent Curriculum E-Report.
Integratedly encompassing all sources of information within the Independent Curriculum E-Report
program at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency. The evaluation research of the
Independent Curriculum E-Report program activities at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang
Regency aims to recommend to Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency regarding the
implementation of the E-Report program in the Independent Curriculum based on the evaluation
results of the context, input, process, and program product of the Independent Curriculum E-Report
activities at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency.
2. Materials and Methods
This research employed an evaluative research design, with the method used being
qualitative descriptive. This study aimed to analyze or evaluate the use of the Independent
Curriculum E-Report in Ngasinan Elementary School, Semarang Regency. The research utilized the
CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, Product), and the analyzed aspects included context,
input, process, and product. The context aspect included the needs, goals, and objectives of using the
Independent Curriculum E-Report. Then, in the input aspect, planning, infrastructure, and human
resources (HR) involved in using the Independent Curriculum E-Report were considered. The process
aspect involved implementation, management of infrastructure, human resources management, and
financing of the use of the Independent Curriculum E-Report. The last aspect was the product, which
encompassed reports, achievements, and the development of the use of the Independent Curriculum
E-Report. The study also examined driving and inhibiting factors using the Independent Curriculum
E-Report at Ngasinan Elementary School, Semarang Regency. Research data were obtained from
information sources including the Head of Ngasinan Elementary School, the E-Report Administrator
of Ngasinan Elementary School, Grade I and Grade IV teachers of Ngasinan Elementary School who
had implemented the Independent Curriculum, and Physical Education (PJOK) and Islamic Education
(PAI) teachers of Ngasinan Elementary School who had implemented the Independent Curriculum in
Semarang Regency.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 648
This research employed interviews, documentary studies, and observations to gather data on
using the independent curriculum E-Report at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency.
Data collection techniques were obtained through qualitative data:
Table 1 Interview Guidelines
Needs Analysis
Planning, Human Resources, Financing, and
the Facilities and Infrastructure
Implementation, Management (Facilities and
Infrastructure, Human Resources, Financing)
Weaknesses and strengths
Interview guidelines were used to collect data for conducting preliminary studies to identify
problems or discover issues and potentials existing in the researched location. Additionally,
researchers could gain in-depth insights into the opinions of the interviewees
Table 2 Supporting Documents
E-report card Usage Handbook for
Admins and Teachers
Buku Panduan Instalasi E Rapor SD
Financing report in the preparation and
development of the independent
curriculum e-report card program at SD
N Ngasinan
E Report Result
In addition to interviews, documentary studies were conducted to detect and examine data in
the form of documents related to the use of the independent curriculum E-Report, the implementation
of the independent curriculum E-Report, and the reporting of the use of the independent curriculum
E-Report at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency. The observation technique focused
on context, input, process, and product aspects of using the Independent Curriculum E-Report at
Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency. Data collection involved observing infrastructure,
the use of network installations by administrators and teachers, and the implementation process of
the E-Report to understand how the independent curriculum E-Report program activities were
carried out at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency through facility observation.
This research used a qualitative descriptive data analysis technique. Miles and Huberman, as
cited in (Sugiyono, 2016, p. 405), "divided the analysis technique into four stages, including 1) Data
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No.4, April 2024 649
collection, 2) Data reduction, 3) Data presentation, 4) Drawing conclusions." Interviews, documentary
studies, and observations of information sources or data sources were conducted to collect data
during the data collection stage. After data collection was complete and the gathered data was
categorized, the data was then presented according to its categories. The categorized data was
subsequently presented, allowing for conclusions to be drawn regarding the research objectives.
From the data analysis, the data's validity was tested using source triangulation and technique
triangulation. Source triangulation is a method to test the validity of the obtained sources. Validation
was conducted with the school principal, E-Report administrator, grade I and IV teachers, and
Physical Education and Islamic Education subject teachers at Ngasinan Elementary School in
Semarang Regency. The data obtained from these sources were presented comprehensively,
categorized based on predetermined categories, and analyzed for differences and similarities in
perspectives among the sources. Conclusions were then drawn and agreed upon by all four sources.
Source triangulation is not the only way to test data validity; there is also technique triangulation. The
purpose of this validation method is to seek confirmation of data from sources that may use different
methods. For example, the data on the infrastructure supporting the use of the independent
curriculum E-Report at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency were collected through
interviews, substantiated through documentary studies, and then verified through observation to
reconcile the interview and documentary study results on the infrastructure data supporting the use
of the independent curriculum E-Report. If, through this triangulation technique, results are
inconsistent with reality, the researcher needs to engage in discussions with the sources of the data
to determine the accurate information.
The context aspect of the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary
School in Semarang Regency, obtained through interviews and documentary studies by the
researcher, revealed the background, objectives, and targets of the Independent Curriculum E-Report
program. It was found that the school decided to implement this program based on the awareness of
Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency that the school strives to improve the quality of
human resources or HR within the educational unit. The transition from Curriculum 2013 to the
Independent Curriculum also impacted reporting students' learning outcomes (Kemendikbud,
2022b). In connection with this, teachers needed a means of reporting students' learning outcomes
that aligned with the current curriculum. Based on the needs analysis conducted by Ngasinan
Elementary School in Semarang Regency, the Independent Curriculum E-Report program was
determined and implemented at the school. This is in line with the government's initiative to facilitate
the development of an E-Report application that has been customized to the Independent Curriculum.
The use of E-Report is expected to make teachers' work more accessible and more efficient compared
to manual reporting. This is the general objective of organizing the Independent Curriculum E-Report
program at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency. The target audience for this program
is teachers who have implemented the Independent Curriculum at Ngasinan Elementary School in
Semarang Regency.
The input aspect of the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in
Semarang Regency consists of the implementation planning during the program, human resources
involved in the program, the financing or funding required for the program to run, and the
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infrastructure needed for the program. In any program, challenges are inevitable during its execution.
Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency faced challenges: having the same internet
network for administrators and teachers, causing server downtime, and slowing down the data input
process due to the need to wait for a more stable network. Another challenge was that the school's
laptops and computers could not connect to the internet, requiring teachers to use their personal
laptops or take turns with other teachers. The funding for the Independent Curriculum E-Report
program at Ngasinan Elementary School was covered by the School Operational Assistance (BOS)
funds. The funding was used to support the smooth implementation of the E-Report program,
including the procurement or purchase and maintenance of infrastructure related to the E-Report
program. It also covered the honorarium provision for school operators serving as administrators in
the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School. The procurement or
purchase funded by the School Operational Assistance (BOS) included payment for Wi-Fi to access
the internet for E-Report web connectivity, purchase of HVS paper for printing completed reports,
payment for electricity, payment for the honorarium of school operators, and other related expenses.
The Independent Curriculum E-Report program was implemented in the teachers' room or in a
location that could still connect to the internet between teachers and administrators.
The process aspect of the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary
School covers the implementation mechanism of the E-Report program, the execution of the
Independent Curriculum E-Report, the management of infrastructure related to the E-Report
program, staffing, and financial management for the smooth operation of the E-Report program. One
effort to enhance human resources in the educational unit to ensure the success of the E-Report
program is to involve teachers from grades I and IV, as well as teachers of Islamic Education (PAI)
and Physical Education (PJOK), in the socialization of E-Report usage. The execution of E-Report tasks
is customized to each class's homeroom teacher and subject teachers. E-Reports use occurs during
the break period after the completion of the Final Summative Semester until the reporting period of
students' learning outcomes with parents. The infrastructure management for the Independent
Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School is adjusted according to the activities
during the program's implementation. The implementation occurs in a shared office space with other
teachers, as there is currently no dedicated room for working on E-Reports. For storing student
learning outcome reports, such as reports, they are consolidated with other files. In terms of staffing,
educators and educational staff are directly and indirectly involved in the Independent Curriculum E-
Report program. The responsible party is responsible for planning the program, its implementation,
and reporting on using School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds for the Independent Curriculum E-
Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency. The E-Report administrator
oversees and assists in the data input process in the E-Report system. Homeroom teachers, especially
those handling classes that have adopted the Independent Curriculum, are required to use the E-
Report in generating student learning outcome reports. Subject teachers responsible for subjects
taught in classes using the Independent Curriculum are responsible for inputting student learning
outcome data for their respective subjects. The school treasurer is responsible for managing the
funding related to the E-Report program. Regarding financing, the Independent Curriculum E-Report
program at Ngasinan Elementary School is funded by the School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds.
This funding is utilized to support the smooth operation of the E-Report program, which includes the
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procurement or purchase and maintenance of infrastructure related to the E-Report program.
Additionally, it covers the honorarium for school operators serving as administrators in the
Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School. The funds are allocated
to maintain supporting infrastructure for the E-Report program. For instance, if there are issues with
the laptops or technical problems with the printers used for report printing, the funding addresses
these concerns. Importantly, the school does not collect fees from the committee, parents, or other
parties to finance the E-Report program.
Based on interviews, observations, and documentary studies conducted by the researcher, the
conclusion can be drawn that using E-Reports aims to provide accurate and up-to-date information
in line with the current times and the academic or achievement of students. This is facilitated by its
web-based or digital nature, directly connected to the school's data system (Dapodik), making it
easier for teachers to input students' grades. Teachers no longer need to manually input student data
into the application, as it is automatically populated through the connection with the school's data
system. Another goal of using E-Reports is to serve as a tool for teachers to report learning outcomes
to parents. The E-Report interface is designed to be more user-friendly for parents, with a single grade
listed for each subject and a description of the mastery level and learning objectives that need
improvement. This makes it easier for students to identify which topics they have not yet mastered
in the subjects they have experienced in this academic year.
Based on interviews conducted by the researcher with the participants, it was found that there
are both driving and obstacle factors in implementing the E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary
School. The driving factors for the implementation of the Independent Curriculum E-Report program
at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency are (1) Good cooperation from all parties
involved in the E-Report program at the school, carried out by the School Principal, Educational Staff,
and Education Staff at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency, (2) Awareness among
stakeholders that, as educators, they must continually learn and adapt to the changing times to
improve the quality of their human resources, (3) Ease of access and operation of the E-Report
application, (4) Personal motivation of teachers who want to continue developing, (5) Transparency
of the parties involved, (6) Adequate school infrastructure, (7) Financial support, (8) Efficient work
of the involved parties, thus supporting the implementation of the Independent Curriculum E-Report
program at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency to run as expected by the school.
However, there are inhibiting factors in implementing any program, as observed in the
Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency.
Some of the hindering factors include (1) Lack of availability of supporting tools for the
implementation of the E-Report program, such as laptops, (2) Unstable internet network owned by
the school, (3) Insufficient skills and training, leading to a longer adaptation time for teachers to adjust
to the new application, (4) Imperfect E-Report system causing issues or errors in some components,
(5) High implementation costs, (6) Lack of access and inadequate IT infrastructure.
3. Result and Discussion
Program must encompass several elements to be considered feasible, including planning,
human resources supporting program implementation, program financing, and facilities and
infrastructure (Wirawan, 2012, p. 17). This is also asserted by Arikunto, p. (2021, p. 4), who defines
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 652
a program as a cohesive set of activities that represent the realization or implementation of a policy.
These activities occur continuously within an organization involving a group of individuals. In the
context of the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in
Semarang Regency, it aligns with the National Education System Law Number 20 of 2003, Minister of
Education and Culture Regulation Number 56 of 2022 on Curriculum Implementation Guidelines,
Government Regulation Number 57 of (2021) on National Education Standards, Guidelines for
Learning and Assessment of the Independent Curriculum in 2022, and Guidelines for the
Development of the Strengthening Project of Pancasila Student Profiles in 2022. Implementing the
Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School is based on the copy of
Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 56 of (2022a) on Curriculum Implementation
Guidelines. This regulation allows educational institutions to determine mechanisms and formats for
reporting learning outcomes to parents/guardians. Learning outcome reports are to be
communicated at least at the end of each semester, with educational institutions providing student
reports periodically through E-Reports/Dapodik. The school conducted a needs analysis involving
the school principal, teachers, and educational staff, identifying the need for tools to input students'
learning outcomes that align with the assessment format of the Independent Curriculum. There is also
a need for parents/guardians and students to access easily understandable learning outcomes.
Additionally, the school requires tools to generate student learning outcome reports that are easy to
understand and do not consume a significant amount of time in their preparation. Implementing the
Independent Curriculum E-Report program is customized to the needs and capabilities of Ngasinan
Elementary School in Semarang Regency. The overarching goal of the Independent Curriculum E-
Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency is to provide accurate and up-
to-date information aligned with the current era and the academic development or achievements of
students. This is facilitated by the program's web or digital-based approach, directly connected to
Dapodik, streamlining the process for teachers to input student assessment data. Teachers no longer
need to manually input student data into the application as it is automatically filled. This saves
teachers time, making the process more efficient in generating learning outcome reports to be
submitted to parents/guardians. Therefore, implementing the E-Reporting system serves as a tool to
assist teachers in reporting learning outcomes to parents/guardians. The E-Report's interface is
designed to be easily understandable for parents/guardians, with a single score listed for each subject
and a description of the achievement level and learning objectives that need improvement. This
facilitates students in identifying the topics they have not mastered in the subjects they have
experienced throughout the academic year. Teachers, as the implementers of the E-Report program,
play a crucial role in developing the Independent Curriculum E-Report program, serving as the target
audience. The specific target audience for the Independent Curriculum E-Report program is teachers
who have implemented the Independent Curriculum at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang
In this program, the next aspect evaluated is the input aspect. The input aspect in the
Implementation of the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in
Semarang Regency is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research,
and Technology Number 56 of 2022 concerning the Guidelines for the Implementation of the
Curriculum. This is based on data collection techniques such as interviews, observations, and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No.4, April 2024 653
documentation studies on implementing the independent curriculum E-Report program held at
Ngasinan Elementary School. This is evidenced by the E-Report program already having several
elements that cover the input aspect, including the planning of the Independent Curriculum E-Report
program, human resources involved in the program, financing, and the facilities and infrastructure
owned by Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency. The planning field includes the
background of E-Report usage, the objectives of implementing E-Report usage, the targets of E-Report
usage, the schedule for making reports, student learning outcome data for processing using E-Report,
the venue of the implementation, available facilities and infrastructure, and financing. This is already
in accordance with the Assessment Procedure for Student Learning Outcomes stipulated in the
Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation No. 21 of 2022 concerning
Educational Assessment Standards, which include a) formulating assessment objectives, b) selecting
and/or developing assessment instruments, c) conducting assessments, d) processing assessment
results;and. However, in the implementation of the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at
Ngasinan Elementary School, there has not been any evaluation monitoring for the program.
Therefore, there is a need for evaluation and monitoring in implementing the Independent
Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency. The school's
human resources in the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School
involve various parties. The parties involved include the school principal, educators, and education
personnel (school guards). The arrangement of human resources involved, based on their roles in the
educational unit, consists of the School Principal as the person in charge of the program, the school
operator as the administrator, homeroom teacher as users inputting student learning outcomes data,
and subject teachers with duties similar to homeroom teacher in the Independent Curriculum E-
Report program. Each role has tasks and responsibilities known to the School Principal, School
Operator, and teachers. Duties and responsibilities in accordance with the assigned role as the Head
of the School include being responsible for the program and overseeing the implementation of the
Independent Curriculum E-Report Program. As the person in charge, the Head of School is responsible
for program planning, execution, and reporting the use of BOS funds for the Independent Curriculum
E-Report Program held at Ngasinan Elementary School, Semarang Regency. As the Administrator, the
School Operator is responsible for assisting in the implementation process, especially those related
to the E-Report system, networks, and other matters. As for the duties and responsibilities of a
homeroom teacher who has implemented the Independent Curriculum, they are responsible for
entering the necessary data for reporting students' learning outcomes in the E-Report application or
web. Similarly, as a subject teacher who teaches classes that have implemented the Independent
Curriculum, the duties involve inputting data related to reporting students' learning outcomes in
accordance with the respective subjects taught. a. Based on the presentation, most of it aligns with
the E-Report Guidelines (Depdiknas, 2007) for the Independent Curriculum at Ngasinan Elementary
School. In the case of the implementation of E-Reports at Ngasinan Elementary School for Physical
Education teachers (PJOK), due to the retirement of these teachers during the E-Report
implementation, their duties and functions have been transferred to their respective homeroom
teacher. In the financing aspect, the Independent Curriculum E-Report program is funded by the
School Operational Assistance (Bantuan Operasional Sekolah - BOS) without collecting additional fees
from students, parents, or the school's private individuals. This aligns with the Technical Guidelines
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 654
for the Use of the Independent Curriculum E-Report in Elementary Schools, stating that funds should
be obtained from sources compliant with the applicable laws and regulations (Direktorat Pembinaan
SMA, 2016, p. 30). Infrastructure to support the program's sustainability is another crucial aspect. In
terms of the infrastructure needed for the Independent Curriculum E-Report program, it is sufficient
but not entirely complete. This is evidenced by the lack of dedicated storage space for keeping report
documents; printed reports distributed to parents are stored in cabinets combined with other
administrative files. Another related aspect is the equipment, namely laptops and computers. The
school's laptops and computers cannot connect to the internet, preventing their use for accessing the
E-Report. Therefore, it is necessary to use teachers' personal laptops or rotate their usage among
teachers. The school often experiences server downtimes during the program's execution due to
internet connectivity issues. According to Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System, Chapter XII regarding educational facilities and infrastructure, Article 45 stipulates that every
formal and non-formal educational institution should provide facilities and infrastructure that cater
to the educational needs corresponding to the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and
psychological growth and development of students. Based on this, Ngasinan Elementary School in
Semarang Regency needs to supplement and enhance its facilities and infrastructure that are
currently lacking and not meeting the standards. The implementation site of the Independent
Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School is already adequate, situated either in
the teachers' room or in a location still connected to the internet for communication between teachers
and administrators. As for the storage of tools for the Independent Curriculum E-Report program,
such as Wi-Fi routers, printers, paper, laptops, and reports, their placement is adapted to their types.
For instance, Wi-Fi routers, printers, paper, and laptops are located in the teachers' room or the office.
The printed report outputs are stored in a cabinet combined with other files.
The evaluation of the Independent Curriculum E-Report program process at Ngasinan
Elementary School in Semarang Regency aligns with the copy of the Minister of Education, Culture,
Research, and Technology Regulation Number 56 of 2022 concerning the Curriculum Implementation
Guidelines. According to this guideline, educational institutions have the flexibility to determine the
mechanism and format of reporting learning outcomes to parents/guardians. Learning outcomes
should be reported at least at the end of each semester, and educational institutions are required to
submit student reports through E-Reports/dapodik periodically. The school implements the task
assignment mechanism by adapting it to the distribution of tasks for each teacher during the
curriculum development meeting with an assignment letter numbered 421.2/55/2022. The results
show that teachers in grades I and IV who have implemented the Independent Curriculum are
required to use E-Reports. Furthermore, subject teachers who teach in those classes are also
obligated to use E-Reports. Next, the school operator serves as the administrator for the E-Reports.
Implementing the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School
adheres to the Guidelines for Using the Independent Curriculum E-Report Application in Elementary
Schools. The administrator, homeroom teacher, and subject teachers in the E-Report program
perform E-Report tasks outside of class hours when the web is ready for use by teachers. The
administrator ensures that the web is connected to the teacher's web. This aligns with the schedule
for implementing the Independent Curriculum E-Report at Ngasinan Elementary School. Managing
facilities and infrastructure requires funding or a budget for procuring and maintaining school
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facilities and infrastructure related to the school program. The funding for this program comes from
the BOS (Bantuan Operasional Sekolah) fund. The financing in this program is used to purchase
consumable items such as Wi-Fi, electricity, paper, and ink. It is also used to buy necessary tools to
support achieving the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in
the 2022/2023 academic year. The venue for the implementation of the Independent Curriculum E-
Report program is in the office or a place that can still connect to the internet, similar to the
administrator's location in the Ngasinan Elementary School environment. However, in some cases, it
may be necessary to find a location with better signal reception that can still connect to the same
server as the administrator.
Temporarily storing equipment like laptops occurs in a shared storage room alongside other
tools. Meanwhile, printers and routers are kept in the office. As for the printed E-Report outputs, they
are stored in the same cabinet as other documents. Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency
does not yet possess a specific place to store E-Report outputs. As per Article 45 of Law Number 20
of 2003 on the National Education System, educational institutionsboth formal and non-formal
should provide facilities that meet educational needs in alignment with students' physical,
intellectual, social, emotional, and psychological development. Staff management at Ngasinan
Elementary School aligns with the guidelines specified in the Independent Curriculum E-Report
Application (Ditpsd, 2022). All involved parties adhere to their roles and responsibilities in the E-
Report program. However, due to the retirement of the Physical Education teacher (PJOK), homeroom
teacher have absorbed the duties during the E-Report implementation at Ngasinan Elementary School
in Semarang Regency. Consequently, the school requires a replacement PJOK teacher to fill the vacant
position. The school has produced reports on BOS fund usage, allocating the BOS funds according to
their respective categories. The school treasurer coordinates the school's financial management in
collaboration with the administrator, teachers, and the person responsible for the Independent
Curriculum E-Report program. From the information provided, it can be concluded that the financial
management for the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in
Semarang Regency is aligned with the theories.
Program Utilization of the Independent Curriculum E-Report at Ngasinan Elementary School in
Semarang Regency generates improvements in the quality of human resources within the school. It
provides accurate, up-to-date, and accountable information in accordance with the contemporary
advancements and academic progress or achievements of the students. It enhances the efficiency of
reporting student learning outcomes and simplifies access to reports for parents/guardians and
students, delivering reports in printed and digital formats. As outlined above, the driving factors
behind the Independent Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang
Regency have yielded several outcomes. These include collaboration, commitment to enhancing
student quality, accessibility, educator motivation, transparency among involved parties, adequate
facilities and infrastructure, program financing, and time efficiency. These factors have been
effectively leveraged to enhance the quality of the Independent Curriculum E-Report program,
enabling Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency to achieve its intended targets. However,
within any program, there are impediments. In the case of the Utilization of the Independent
Curriculum E-Report program at Ngasinan Elementary School in Semarang Regency, the hindering
factors include the lack of supportive tools for the E-Report program, unstable internet connectivity,
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 656
insufficient proficiency among human resources, incompleteness of the web or application, financing
issues, and inadequate IT access.
4. Conclusion
Implementing the Independent Curriculum E-Rapor Usage program at Ngasinan Elementary
School, Semarang Regency, aligns with the school's needs and strengths in terms of context. Input
aspects such as planning for the E-Raport program, the involvement of human resources in its
execution, funding, and the necessary infrastructure for the program at Ngasinan Elementary School,
Semarang Regency, are sufficient. However, there is a need to fulfill or complete infrastructure that is
still unavailable or incomplete. Ngasinan Elementary School, Semarang Regency, indeed requires
Physical Education teachers to support the program's sustainability and learning at the school.
Regarding the procedural aspect, implementing the Independent Curriculum E-Rapor Usage program
at Ngasinan Elementary School aligns with the program design. Pre-implementation mechanisms, the
execution of the e-report program, infrastructure management, human resources, and funding for the
e-report program have been conducted effectively. The outcomes of the Independent Curriculum E-
Rapor Usage program at Ngasinan Elementary School encompass (1) enhancement of human
resource quality at the school, (2) providing accurate, up-to-date, accountable information aligned
with the current era and academic progress or student achievements, (3) efficiency in processing
student learning outcome reports, (4) ease of access for guardians and students to retrieve reports,
and (5) obtaining learning outcome reports in both print and digital formats.
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