Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2024
Behavior-Based Safety Analysis with Unsafe Action and Unsafe
Condition in Cadets at The General Workshop of Medan Aviation
Ivana Wardani, Fauziah Nur, Inda Tri Pasa, Liber Tommy Hutabarat, Sukarwoto
Politeknik Penerbangan Medan, Indonesia
E-mail : ivanawardani27@gmail.com, nur4ziah@gmail.com, indapasa@ymail.com,
limasodara@gmail.com, wotocahbara@gmail.com
Correspondence: ivanawardani27@gmail.com
Behavior-Based Safety
(BBS), Unsafe Action, Unsafe
This study aims to analyze the implementation of Behavior Safety
(BBS) and identify factors related to Unsafe Actions and Unsafe
Conditions in cadets at the General Workshop of Medan Aviation
Polytechnic. The research method used was survey and
observation, involving the active participation of cadets as
respondents. Data were collected through questionnaires and
direct observation of behaviors and conditions that could pose
risks in the work environment. The results of the analysis showed
that the implementation of BBS had a positive impact in increasing
cadets' awareness and compliance with safety procedures.
However, the findings also identified a high number of Unsafe
Actions, such as inappropriate use of personal protective
equipment or negligence in following safety procedures. In
addition, Unsafe Conditions were also detected in several areas,
such as unsuitability of work equipment and lack of preventive
maintenance. This research provides in-depth insight into the
factors causing Unsafe Actions and Unsafe Conditions so that
concrete corrective measures can be taken to improve safety at
the General Workshop of Medan Aviation Polytechnic. The
implication of this research is expected to contribute to the
development of a more effective security policy and improved
work safety for cadets in carrying out activities in the workshop
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
One important factor that needs to be considered by the campus to ensure the welfare of cadets
in the laboratory, especially the General Workshop, is occupational safety and health (K3) (Septianadi
et al., 2021). The threat to the welfare of cadets will have an impact on occupational accidents and
occupational diseases that not only harm cadets but also harm the campus both directly and
indirectly. Referring to data from the Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS), in 2015 work
accidents 110,285 cases, there was a spike in 2017 of 123,040 cases of work accidents, and in 2019 it
reached 182,835 cases of work accidents (data.goodstats.id) during the pandemic, the number of
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2024 534
work accidents from 2020 to 2022 increased by around 200 thousand cases, of which 221,740 cases
were work accidents, in 2021 there were 234,270 cases and in 2022 it reached 265,334 cases
(gennaker, 2022). The increasing cases of work accidents show that the implementation of
occupational safety and security in the workplace is still very small (Dwiyanti & Irlianti, 2014).
Occupational safety and health (K3) is an aspect of labor protection. One of the efforts to
prevent accidents by implementing Behavior Based Safety (BBS). Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) is a
proactive focus on Risk Behavior or dangerous behavior that has the opportunity to cause accidents.
Many studies show that employee behavior patterns are exposed to dangerous conditions where the
main aspects that affect human behavior are attitude, perception, and motivation (K3LH Guidelines,
2017). According to Rahman & Dwiyanti (2020), in construction workers, most construction workers
have good knowledge 90%, and good awareness 90%, all workers have good motivation, and 100%
of safety needs are met, 18 workers stated that there are Occupational Health Safety (K3) regulations
that apply to the company with 90%, and workers stated that they had received rewards/praise and
punishments of 95%. The results also show that most construction workers are already implementing
safe behaviors in the workplace.
Deirdre Mckeon, 2007, in her research, found that organizations have a strong ability to
influence their workforce behavior, management commitment, having a strong safety culture, and
good oversight were identified as major influencing factors. Contrary to the previous, the Safety
Representative role study found the least influential factor. Worker behavior is known to be the
largest contributor to accident causes in participating organizations and is considered to have a large
input record of construction sector accidents. Research by Irawati & Karyatibrata, (2019) with the
implementation of the BBS program in transportation companies, the number of accidents, especially
unsafe actions, has decreased. In contrast to the research of Ayuni et al., (2022) where at PT. X in the
implementation of the Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program to reduce work accidents due to unsafe
actions, effective even though the maturity level of the BBS application is still not at the criteria of
high-performance levels on all criteria, and there is still no significant change in reducing the number
of work accidents (Irkas et al., 2020); (Kairupan et al., 2019).
Education that encourages accident prevention efforts with the application of behavior-based
safety can be obtained in college or school. UUPT No.12 of 2012 states that polytechnics are
universities that provide vocational education with various clusters of technology and science
(Tjendera, 2018). Awareness of cadets doing behavior-based safety must be equipped from the
beginning so that in entering the world of work and even while working can adjust to the work
environment. In learning and practice in the laboratory, cadets must carry out K3 procedures
correctly so that when they become skilled workers they also carry out behavior-based safety. Medan
Aviation Polytechnic cadets in the curriculum do not contain occupational safety and health (K3)
subjects, subjects that contain safety are contained in learning safety management systems and
Human Factors. Research by (Widhiarni & Lukmandono, 2017), K3 knowledge has a positive
influence on K3 behavior (Hidayat & Wahyuni, 2016).
The implementation of learning during practice and simulation at the General Workshop (GWS)
must meet occupational safety and health procedures, especially efforts to prevent work accidents. In
general, there are 2 (two) causes of accidents, namely unsafe action (human factors) and unsafe
conditions (environmental factors). According to research, 80-85% of accidents are caused by unsafe
actions (Anizar, 2009); (Poetra, 2021). The implementation of learning in the General Workshop
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(GWS) is inseparable from the use of tools and materials that contain high risks such as drills, pliers,
saws, grinders, oil, and so on, which can cause work accidents such as scratches, cuts, trips, slips and
so on as well as the arrangement of material equipment that is not neat (Irzal, 2016).
Heinrich's theory states that 88% of accidents are caused by unsafe actions, 10% are caused by
unsafe conditions, and 2% are unavoidable. With this data, it can be seen that unsafe behavior or
actions are actions that can endanger the workers themselves and others and can cause work
accidents. The implementation of Based Behavior Safety (BBS) is very important at GWS to avoid
unsafe behavior from these cadets so that work accidents at GWS do not occur. Xiongjum and Kaiqan,
2012, in Agustina et al., (2016) said BBS is the most suitable approach method for unsafe behavior
with consideration to improve safety management and prevent accidents. A behavioral-based
approach to industrial safety management has been advocated by many authors and has proven
effective in improving safety performance in various industrial environments and on different
continents (Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek et al., 2015).
Unsafe action (additional to previous research) (conditions in the field) (BBS able to minimize
accidents with management) that occur in the General Workshop such as chatting/joking with
colleagues while working/operating machines, not having work procedures, and unsafe conditions
including visual control is a form of application of 5R Steps 1 and 2, namely "Neat and Concise". This
step is carried out by arranging/sorting equipment/goods based on the flow of work processes and
also arranging/sorting equipment/goods based on the frequency of use and visual
arrangement/control (management) of equipment/goods in the workplace with labels/signs with
the purpose/purpose of goods or equipment more quickly and easily found to achieve order in the
workplace. This is the background of the implementation of research analyzing behavior-based safety
by looking at unsafe action and unsafe conditions in the general workshop at the Medan Aviation
Polytechnic cadets".
2. Materials and Methods
This type of research is descriptive research through survey methods to describe the conditions
of the General Workshop laboratory. Research samples are cadets doing practical work in the General
Workshop laboratory by taking samples from the entire population. Data was collected using
interviews with cadets and visits to the General Workshop laboratory to see the unsafe actions and
unsafe conditions of cadets in the General Workshop laboratory (Sugiyono, 2013).
3. Results and Discussions
Characteristics of Respondents
Based on the results of the study, the characteristics of respondents are presented in the
frequency distribution table and narrated according to the table below:
Table 1. Distribution of Characteristics of Medan Aviation Polytechnic Respondents
Characteristics of Respondents
Percentage (%)
< 20 years old
> 21 years old
A-ISSN: 2723-6692 P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2024 536
Characteristics of Respondents
Percentage (%)
Source: Primary Research Data in 2023
Based on Table 1 The above shows that the frequency distribution of characteristics of
respondents who have the age category of the majority of respondents has a < of 20 years as many as
67 people (69.8%) and minorities have an age of > 21 years as many as 29 years (30.2%). In gender
characteristics, the majority of male respondents were 63 people (65.6%) and women as many as 33
people (34.4%). In the characteristics of hours, the majority of TNU respondents were 18 people
(18.8%), TLB respondents were 51 people (53.1%) and TPPU respondents were 27 people (28.1%).
In the characteristics of the third batch of respondents as many as 23 people (24.0%), respondents of
batch XX as many as 27 people (28.1%), and respondents of batch XXI as many as 46 people (47.0%).
Univariate Analysis
Univariate analysis aims to explain or describe the characteristics of each variable studied. Data
analysis is carried out to determine the frequency distribution and presentation of each variable to
be studied.
Unsafe Action
The distribution of respondents according to Unsafe Action in this study can be seen in the
following table:
Table 2 Distribution of Respondents According to Unsafe Action in the Gws Laboratory at the
Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets
Unsafe Action
Sumber : Output SPSS Data Primer, 2023
Based on Table 2 above, shows that the frequency distribution of 96 respondents, stated the
Unsafe Action variable in the High category as many as 71 respondents (74.0%), and in the Low
category as many as 25 respondents (26.0%).
Unsafe Condition
The distribution of respondents according to Unsafe Conditions in this study can be seen in the
following table:
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2024 537
Table 3. Distribution of Respondents According to Unsafe Conditions in GWS Laboratory at
Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets
Unsafe Condition
Sumber : Output SPSS Data Primer, 2023
Based on Table 3 above, shows that the frequency distribution of 96 respondents, stated the
Unsafe Condition variable in the High category as many as 76 people (79.2%), and the Low category
as many as 20 people (20.8%).
Behavior Base Safety
The distribution of respondents according to Behavior Base Safety in this study can be seen in
the following table:
Table 4. Distribution of Respondents According to Behavior Base Safety in Gws Laboratory at
Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets
Behavior Base Safety
Source: Output SPSS Data Primer, 2023
Based on Table 4 above, shows that the frequency distribution of 96 respondents, stated the
variable Behavior Base Safety category Penah as many as 70 respondents (72.9%), and the category
never as many as 26 respondents (27.1%).
Bivariate Analysis
The Relationship of Unsafe Action Variables to Behavior Base Safety in the GWS Laboratory at
Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets
The relationship of the Unsafe Action variable to Behavior Base Safety can be seen in the
following table:
Table 5. Cross-Tabulation of Unsafe Action on Behavior Base Safety in Gws Laboratory at
Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets
Unsafe Action
Behavior Base Safety
P Value
Source: Primary Research Data in 2023
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2024 538
Based on table 5. above, shows that out of 96 respondents to the Unsafe Action variable with
the "High" category, 71 respondents (74.0%) obtained Behavior Base Safety stating "Never" as many
as 46 respondents (47.9%), and stating "Never" as many as 25 respondents (26.0%), while the Unsafe
Action variable in the "Low" category as many as 25 respondents (26.0%) obtained by Behavior Base
Safety stating "Never" as many as 24 respondents (25.0%) and stating "Never" as many as 1
respondents (1.0%)"
From the results of statistical tests using chi-square continuity correction, there is a significant
relationship with a p-value of 0.006<0.05. This shows that there is a relationship between the Unsafe
Action variable and the Behavior Base Safety variable in the Gws Laboratory at the Medan Aviation
Polytechnic cadets
The Relationship of Unsafe Condition Variables to Behavior Base Safety in the GWS Laboratory
at Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets
The relationship of the Unsafe Condition variable to Behavior Base Safety can be seen in the
following table:
Table 6. Cross-tabulation of Unsafe Condition on Behavior Base Safety in Gws Laboratory at
Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets
Unsafe Condition
Behavior Base Safety
P Value
Source: Primary Research Data in 2023
Based on table 6 above, shows that out of 96 respondents in the Unsafe Condition variable with
the "High" category, 76 respondents (79.2%) obtained Behavior Base Safety stating "Ever" as many
as 61 respondents (63.5%), and stating "Never" as many as 15 respondents (15.6%), while the Unsafe
Condition variable in the "Low" category as many as 20 respondents (20.8%) obtained Behavior Base
Safety stated "Ever" as many as 9 respondents (9.4%) and who stated "No Ever" as many as
11respondents (11.5%)"
From the results of statistical tests using chi-square continuity correction, there is a significant
relationship with a p-value of 0.004<0.05. This shows that there is a relationship between the Unsafe
Condition variable and the Behavior Base Safety variable in the Gws Laboratory at the Medan Aviation
Polytechnic Cadets.
The Relationship of Unsafe Action Variables to Behavior Base Safety in the GWS Laboratory at
Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets
A-ISSN: 2723-6692 P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2024 539
From the results of statistical tests using chi-square continuity correction, there is a significant
relationship with a p-value of 0.006<0.05. This shows that there is a relationship between the Unsafe
Action variable and the Behavior Base Safety variable in the Gws Laboratory at the Medan Aviation
Polytechnic Cadets (Ha accepted and H
This research is in line with research conducted by Juniarsih, et al in 2023 entitled "Analysis of
Unsafe Action and Unsafe Condition with Work Accidents on Bira-Pamatata Crossing Crews" The
results showed that there was a significant relationship between Unsafe action and work accidents
with value (p = 0.013 < 0.05).
This research is in line with research conducted by Felly Aprilia Kairupan, et al with the title
"The Relationship Between Unsafe Action and Unsafe Condition with Work Accidents in Online Ojek
and Base Ojek Drivers in Manado City" The results of the test show that the p-value obtained is 0.006
< 0.05), so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between unsafe action and
work accidents in drivers Online motorcycle taxi and ojek base in Manado city.
An unsafe Act or unsafe action is a failure (human failure) in following the correct work
requirements and procedures that cause injury (Priyohadi & Achmadiansyah, 2021); (ISMAWATI,
2021). According to Terok et al., (2020) says that 80% of work accidents are caused by unsafe action.
Humans as a factor causing accidents are often called "human error". Based on the results of research,
humans most often do things or have behaviors that bring accidents. Sometimes unwittingly humans
act carelessly, and indifferently, and make mistakes, which are usually caused by there being no
compatibility between humans and machines/environments, lack of knowledge or experience,
physical and mental inadequacy, and lack of motivation and awareness.
The Relationship of Unsafe Condition Variables to Behavior Base Safety in the GWS Laboratory
at Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets
From the results of statistical tests using chi-square continuity correction, there is a significant
relationship with a p-value of 0.004<0.05. This shows that there is a relationship between the Unsafe
Condition variable and the Behavior Base Safety variable in the Gws Laboratory at the Medan Aviation
Polytechnic Cadets (Ha accepted and Ho rejected).
This research is in line with research conducted by Felly Aprilia Kairupan, et al with the title
"The Relationship Between Unsafe Action and Unsafe Condition with Work Accidents in Online Ojek
Riders and Base Ojek in Manado City" The results showed the relationship between Unsafe Condition
and Work Accidents The test results showed that the value obtained was 0.022 < 0.05), so it can be
concluded that there is a meaningful relationship between unsafe conditions (unsafe
conditions/situations) found by respondents while working with work accidents.
The same is the case with Qisthiyah Qoimatul's research entitled The Relationship between
Unsafe Action and Unsafe Conditions with Accidents in Loading and Unloading Workers at PT X
Surabaya in 2017. From the results of statistical tests, it is known that there is a relationship between
unsafe conditions and work accidents, p-value of 0.00 (p = 0.00< 0.05).
According to Ningsih, (2018), the percentage of causes of work accidents, namely 3% due to
unavoidable causes (such as natural disasters), 24% due to the environment or equipment that does
not meet the requirements, and 73% due to unsafe behavior. The work environment if it does not
meet the requirements can affect occupational health which can result in work accidents. Work
environment factors include noise, lighting, humidity, air temperature, employee needs, and
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2024 540
environmental cleanliness. Unsafe Condition or unsafe condition is the condition of an unfavorable
working environment or hazardous working equipment condition (OSHA).
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research obtained in the study, it can be concluded that there is a
relationship between the Unsafe Action variable and the Behavior Base Safety variable in the GWS
Laboratory at the Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets with a value of sig-p = 0.006 (< 0.05). There is
a relationship between the Unsafe Condition variable and the Behavior Base Safety variable in the
Gws Laboratory at the Medan Aviation Polytechnic Cadets with a value of sig-p = 0.004 (< 0.05). In
the curriculum, there is no learning about K3, and internal policies and SOPs for implementing
practice in the laboratory are not yet available.
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berperilaku K3 di Bengkel Pemesinan SMK XYZ Sidoarjo. Prosiding Sains Nasional Dan Teknologi,